Ryszard Konieczny
Ryszard Konieczny
Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ ajp.edu.pl - หน้าแรก
Evaluation of chemical and physico-chemical indicators of water of the Starzyc lake on the basis of the European Union Water Framework Directive
P Daniszewski, R Konieczny
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy 4, 91-97, 2013
Investment model of agricultural biogas plants for individual farms in Poland
K Klimek, M Kapłan, S Syrotyuk, N Bakach, N Kapustin, R Konieczny, ...
Energies 14 (21), 7375, 2021
Evaluation of chemical and physico-chemical indicators of water of the Resko lake on the basis of the European Union Water Framework Directive
P Daniszewski, R Konieczny
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy 4, 98-104, 2013
Heavy Metal Content in Water of Resko Lake (North-West Poland)
P Daniszewski, R Konieczny
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy 8, 279-287, 2013
Heavy Metal Content in Water of Starzyc Lake (North-West Poland)
P Daniszewski, R Konieczny
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy 8, 269-278, 2013
Dobrzy nski
K Klimek, M Kapłan, S Syrotyuk, N Bakach, N Kapustin, R Konieczny
J., Borek, K., Anders, D., Dybek, B., Karwacka, A., Wałowski, G, 2021
Evaluation of chemical and physico-chemical indicators of water and bottom macrofauna the Resko Lake on the basis of the European Union Water Framework Directive
P Daniszewski, R Konieczny
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy 5, 86-96, 2013
Evaluation of chemical and physico-chemical indicators of water and bottom macrofauna the Starzyc Lake on the basis of the European Union Water Framework Directive
P Daniszewski, R Konieczny
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy 5, 66-75, 2013
Heavy Metal Content in Water of Miedwie Lake (North-West Poland)
P Daniszewski, R Konieczny
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy 10, 218-226, 2013
Method of evaluation of materials wear of cylinder-piston group of diesel engines in the biodiesel fuel environment
M Kapłan, K Klimek, G Maj, D Zhuravel, A Bondar, ...
Energies 15 (9), 3416, 2022
Raw biogas desulphurization using the adsorption-absorption technique for a pilot production of agricultural biogas from pig slurry in Poland
M Kapłan, K Klimek, S Syrotyuk, R Konieczny, B Jura, A Smoliński, ...
Energies 14 (18), 5929, 2021
Aeracja pulweryzacyjna w warunkach Jeziora Barlineckiego
R Konieczny
Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie 4, 291-301, 2004
Aeracja jezior,[w:] Rybactwo jeziorowe
S Podsiadłowski, J Mastyński, W Andrzejewski, R Konieczny
V Krajowa Konferencja Rybackich Użytkowników Jezior, Olsztyn, 14-16.06, 2000
Production of agricultural biogas with the use of a hydrodynamic mixing system of a polydisperse substrate in a reactor with an adhesive bed
K Klimek, M Kapłan, S Syrotyuk, R Konieczny, D Anders, B Dybek, ...
Energies 14 (12), 3538, 2021
Próba rekultywacji jezior województwa zachodniopomorskiego w technologii aeracji pulweryzacyjnej
R Konieczny, L Pieczynski
Acta Agrophysica 7 (4 [135]), 947-957, 2006
Wpływ energii jednostkowej aeracji pulweryzacyjnej na nasycenie tlenem wód otwartych
RJ Konieczny
Determination of the environmental effect of the water pulverizing aerator in the conditions of Yavoriv artificial lake
UB Bashutska, R Konieczny
Natural gas 43, 348, 2020
Wpływ wybranych parametrów technicznych i technologicznych na wydajność aeratora pulweryzacyjnego
R Konieczny
Monografie, 2013
The production capacity of renewable energy from available biomass including available technologies
R Konieczny, B Łaska
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 59 (3), 119-124, 2014
Using macrozoobenthos to assess the ecological condition of the Starzyc Lake (North-West Poland)
R Konieczny, P Daniszewski
Journal of Ecological Engineering 14 (4), 2013
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