PD Dr. habil. Benjamin Balke-Grünewald
PD Dr. habil. Benjamin Balke-Grünewald
Material scientist, Head of Department "Energy Materials" @ Fraunhofer IWKS
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ iwks.fraunhofer.de - หน้าแรก
Spintronics: a challenge for materials science and solid‐state chemistry
C Felser, GH Fecher, B Balke
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 46 (5), 668-699, 2007
Thermoelectrics: From history, a window to the future
D Beretta, N Neophytou, JM Hodges, MG Kanatzidis, D Narducci, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 138, 100501, 2019
Half-Heusler compounds: novel materials for energy and spintronic applications
F Casper, T Graf, S Chadov, B Balke, C Felser
Semiconductor Science and Technology 27 (6), 063001, 2012
Mn3Ga, a compensated ferrimagnet with high Curie temperature and low magnetic moment for spin torque transfer applications
B Balke, GH Fecher, J Winterlik, C Felser
Applied physics letters 90 (15), 2007
Optimum carrier concentration in n‐type PbTe thermoelectrics
Y Pei, ZM Gibbs, A Gloskovskii, B Balke, WG Zeier, GJ Snyder
Advanced energy materials 4 (13), 1400486, 2014
Direct observation of half-metallicity in the Heusler compound Co2MnSi
M Jourdan, J Minár, J Braun, A Kronenberg, S Chadov, B Balke, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3974, 2014
Properties of the quaternary half-metal-type Heusler alloy
B Balke, GH Fecher, HC Kandpal, C Felser, K Kobayashi, E Ikenaga, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (10), 104405, 2006
Dysprosium room-temperature ionic liquids with strong luminescence and response to magnetic fields
B Mallick, B Balke, C Felser, AV Mudring
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 47 (40), 7635-7638, 2008
Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of tetragonal : Experiments and first-principles calculations
J Winterlik, B Balke, GH Fecher, C Felser, MCM Alves, F Bernardi, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (5), 054406, 2008
Design scheme of new tetragonal Heusler compounds for spin-transfer torque applications and its experimental realization
J Winterlik, S Chadov, A Gupta, V Alijani, T Gasi, K Filsinger, B Balke, ...
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 24 (47), 6283, 2012
Rational design of new materials for spintronics: Co2FeZ (Z= Al, Ga, Si, Ge)
B Balke, S Wurmehl, GH Fecher, C Felser, J Kübler
Science and Technology of advanced Materials 9 (1), 014102, 2008
Phase separation as a key to a thermoelectric high efficiency
M Schwall, B Balke
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (6), 1868-1872, 2013
Probing bulk electronic structure with hard X-ray angle-resolved photoemission
AX Gray, C Papp, S Ueda, B Balke, Y Yamashita, L Plucinski, J Minár, ...
Nature materials 10 (10), 759-764, 2011
Crystal structure of new Heusler compounds
T Graf, F Casper, J Winterlik, B Balke, GH Fecher, C Felser
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 635 (6‐7), 976-981, 2009
Enhanced thermoelectric performance in the p-type half-Heusler (Ti/Zr/Hf) CoSb 0.8 Sn 0.2 system via phase separation
E Rausch, B Balke, S Ouardi, C Felser
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (46), 25258-25262, 2014
Enhanced thermoelectric performance in the p-type half-Heusler (Ti/Zr/Hf) CoSb 0.8 Sn 0.2 system via phase separation
E Rausch, B Balke, S Ouardi, C Felser
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (46), 25258-25262, 2014
Thermoelectric modules based on half-Heusler materials produced in large quantities
K Bartholomé, B Balke, D Zuckermann, M Köhne, M Müller, K Tarantik, ...
Journal of electronic materials 43, 1775-1781, 2014
Itinerant half-metallic ferromagnets : Ab initio calculations and measurement of the electronic structure and transport properties
J Barth, GH Fecher, B Balke, S Ouardi, T Graf, C Felser, A Shkabko, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (6), 064404, 2010
Structural characterization of the Co2FeZ (Z= Al, Si, Ga, and Ge) Heusler compounds by x-ray diffraction and extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
B Balke, S Wurmehl, GH Fecher, C Felser, M Alves, F Bernardi, J Morais
Applied physics letters 90 (17), 2007
Concepts for medium-high to high temperature thermoelectric heat-to-electricity conversion: a review of selected materials and basic considerations of module design
G Schierning, R Chavez, R Schmechel, B Balke, G Rogl, P Rogl
Translational Materials Research 2 (2), 025001, 2015
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