Jacob Juhl
Jacob Juhl
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ soton.ac.uk - หน้าแรก
The past makes the present meaningful: nostalgia as an existential resource.
C Routledge, J Arndt, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, CM Hart, J Juhl, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (3), 638, 2011
The power of the past: Nostalgia as a meaning-making resource
C Routledge, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, J Juhl, J Arndt
Memory 20 (5), 452-460, 2012
When death is good for life: Considering the positive trajectories of terror management
KE Vail III, J Juhl, J Arndt, M Vess, C Routledge, BT Rutjens
Personality and social psychology review 16 (4), 303-329, 2012
Adjusting to death: the effects of mortality salience and self-esteem on psychological well-being, growth motivation, and maladaptive behavior.
C Routledge, B Ostafin, J Juhl, C Sedikides, C Cathey, J Liao
Journal of personality and social psychology 99 (6), 897, 2010
Fighting the future with the past: Nostalgia buffers existential threat
J Juhl, C Routledge, J Arndt, C Sedikides, T Wildschut
Journal of Research in Personality 44 (3), 309-314, 2010
Nostalgia as a resource for psychological health and well‐being
C Routledge, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, J Juhl
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 7 (11), 808-818, 2013
When death thoughts lead to death fears: Mortality salience increases death anxiety for individuals who lack meaning in life
C Routledge, J Juhl
Cognition and Emotion 24 (5), 848-854, 2010
Putting the terror in terror management theory: Evidence that the awareness of death does cause anxiety and undermine psychological well-being
J Juhl, C Routledge
Current Directions in Psychological Science 25 (2), 99-103, 2016
Looking back to move forward: Nostalgia as a psychological resource for promoting relationship goals and overcoming relationship challenges.
AA Abeyta, C Routledge, J Juhl
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 109 (6), 1029, 2015
Exploring the effects of self-esteem and mortality salience on proximal and distally measured death anxiety: A further test of the dual process model of terror management
AA Abeyta, J Juhl, C Routledge
Motivation and Emotion 38, 523-528, 2014
Nostalgia proneness and empathy: Generality, underlying mechanism, and implications for prosocial behavior
J Juhl, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, T Diebel, WY Cheung, ...
Journal of Personality 88 (3), 485-500, 2020
Finding meaning in one's past: Nostalgia as an existential resource.
C Routledge, C Sedikides, T Wildschut, J Juhl
American Psychological Association, 2013
Finding meaning through emotional understanding: Emotional clarity predicts meaning in life and adjustment to existential threat
AA Abeyta, C Routledge, J Juhl, MD Robinson
Motivation and Emotion 39, 973-983, 2015
The effects of nostalgia and avoidant attachment on relationship satisfaction and romantic motives
J Juhl, EC Sand, C Routledge
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 29 (5), 661-670, 2012
A prologue to nostalgia: Savouring creates nostalgic memories that foster optimism
M Biskas, WY Cheung, J Juhl, C Sedikides, T Wildschut, E Hepper
Cognition and Emotion 33 (3), 417-427, 2019
Structured terror: Further exploring the effects of mortality salience and personal need for structure on worldview defense
J Juhl, C Routledge
Journal of personality 78 (3), 969-990, 2010
Nostalgia: An impactful social emotion
J Juhl, M Biskas
Current opinion in psychology 49, 101545, 2023
Nostalgia promotes help seeking by fostering social connectedness.
J Juhl, T Wildschut, C Sedikides, X Xiong, X Zhou
Emotion 21 (3), 631, 2021
The creative spark of death: The effects of mortality salience and personal need for structure on creativity
C Routledge, J Juhl
Motivation and Emotion 36, 478-482, 2012
Does neuroticism disrupt the psychological benefits of nostalgia? A meta-analytic test
J Frankenbach, T Wildschut, J Juhl, C Sedikides
European Journal of Personality 35 (2), 249-266, 2021
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