Chih-Ping Tso, C. P. Tso, C. Tso, Tso Chih Ping
Chih-Ping Tso, C. P. Tso, C. Tso, Tso Chih Ping
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ mmu.edu.my
Recursive sub-image histogram equalization applied to gray scale images
KS Sim, CP Tso, YY Tan
Pattern Recognition Letters 28 (10), 1209-1221, 2007
Cooling of mobile electronic devices using phase change materials
FL Tan, CP Tso
Applied thermal engineering 24 (2-3), 159-169, 2004
Life cycle assessment study of solar PV systems: An example of a 2.7 kWp distributed solar PV system in Singapore
R Kannan, KC Leong, R Osman, HK Ho, CP Tso
Solar energy 80 (5), 555-563, 2006
Experimental verification of the role of Brinkman number in microchannels using local parameters
CP Tso, SP Mahulikar
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (10), 1837-1849, 2000
The use of the Brinkman number for single phase forced convective heat transfer in microchannels
CP Tso, SP Mahulikar
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 41 (12), 1759-1769, 1998
Review of indoor positioning: Radio wave technology
T Kim Geok, K Zar Aung, M Sandar Aung, M Thu Soe, A Abdaziz, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (1), 279, 2020
An improved model for predicting performance of finned tube heat exchanger under frosting condition, with frost thickness variation along fin
CP Tso, YC Cheng, ACK Lai
Applied Thermal Engineering 26 (1), 111-120, 2006
3-D numerical analysis of natural convective liquid cooling of a 3× 3 heater array in rectangular enclosures
SKW Tou, CP Tso, X Zhang
International journal of heat and mass transfer 42 (17), 3231-3244, 1999
Heat transfer by water flow in rock fractures and the application to hot dry rock geothermal systems
J Zhao, CP Tso
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics …, 1993
A distributed model for prediction of the transient response of an evaporator
X Jia, CP Tso, PK Chia, P Jolly
International Journal of refrigeration 18 (5), 336-342, 1995
Distributed steady and dynamic modelling of dry-expansion evaporators: Modèlisation du régime stable et du régime transitoire des évaporateurs à détente sèche
X Jia, CP Tso, P Jolly, YW Wong
International Journal of refrigeration 22 (2), 126-136, 1999
Numerical simulation of the thermal hydraulic performance of a plate pin fin heat sink
W Yuan, J Zhao, CP Tso, T Wu, W Liu, T Ming
Applied Thermal Engineering 48, 81-88, 2012
The role of the Brinkman number in analysing flow transitions in microchannels
CP Tso, SP Mahulikar
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 42 (10), 1813-1833, 1999
Viscous dissipation effects of power-law fluid flow within parallel plates with constant heat fluxes
CP Tso, J Sheela-Francisca, YM Hung
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 165 (11-12), 625-630, 2010
Convection heat transfer from discrete heat sources in a liquid cooled rectangular channel
H Bhowmik, CP Tso, KW Tou, FL Tan
Applied Thermal Engineering 25 (16), 2532-2542, 2005
Experimental study on the heat and mass transfer characteristics in a refrigerated truck
CP Tso, SCM Yu, HJ Poh, PG Jolly
International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (3), 340-350, 2002
Hydrodynamics of two-phase flow in vertical up and down-flow across a horizontal tube bundle
GP Xu, CP Tso, KW Tou
International journal of multiphase flow 24 (8), 1317-1342, 1998
Gas fired combined cycle plant in Singapore: energy use, GWP and cost—a life cycle approach
R Kannan, KC Leong, R Osman, HK Ho, CP Tso
Energy Conversion and Management 46 (13-14), 2145-2157, 2005
LCA–LCCA of oil fired steam turbine power plant in Singapore
R Kannan, CP Tso, R Osman, HK Ho
Energy Conversion and Management 45 (18-19), 3093-3107, 2004
Theoretical analysis and optimization of a double-effect series-flow-type absorption chiller
GP Xu, YQ Dai, KW Tou, CP Tso
Applied thermal engineering 16 (12), 975-987, 1996
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