Joanne Williams
Joanne Williams
Associate Dean Research, School of Health Sciences, Swinburne University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ swin.edu.au
Health-related quality of life of overweight and obese children
J Williams, M Wake, K Hesketh, E Maher, E Waters
Jama 293 (1), 70-76, 2005
Healthy eating, activity and obesity prevention: a qualitative study of parent and child perceptions in Australia
K Hesketh, E Waters, J Green, L Salmon, J Williams
Health promotion international 20 (1), 19-26, 2005
Development of the Melbourne FFQ: a food frequency questionnaire for use in an Australian prospective study involving an ethnically diverse cohort.
HE Club
Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr 3, 19-31, 1994
Physical activity, leisure-time screen use and depression among children and young adolescents
P Kremer, C Elshaug, E Leslie, JW Toumbourou, GC Patton, J Williams
Journal of science and medicine in sport 17 (2), 183-187, 2014
The prevention of substance use, risk and harm in Australia: a review of the evidence
W Loxley, J Toumbourou, T Stockwell, B Haines, K Scott, C Godfrey, ...
Commonwealth of Australia, 2004
Predicting language at 2 years of age: a prospective community study
S Reilly, M Wake, EL Bavin, M Prior, J Williams, L Bretherton, P Eadie, ...
Pediatrics 120 (6), e1441-e1449, 2007
Associations between diet quality and depressed mood in adolescents: results from the Australian Healthy Neighbourhoods Study
FN Jacka, PJ Kremer, ER Leslie, M Berk, GC Patton, JW Toumbourou, ...
Australian & New Zealand journal of psychiatry 44 (5), 435-442, 2010
Consequences of youth tobacco use: a review of prospective behavioural studies
M Mathers, JW Toumbourou, RF Catalano, J Williams, GC Patton
Addiction 101 (7), 948-958, 2006
Maternal concern and perceptions of overweight in Australian preschool‐aged children
MWC Campbell, J Williams, A Hampton, M Wake
Medical Journal of Australia 184 (6), 274-277, 2006
Slight/mild sensorineural hearing loss in children
M Wake, S Tobin, B Cone-Wesson, HH Dahl, L Gillam, L McCormick, ...
Pediatrics 118 (5), 1842-1851, 2006
A residents' training program for the development of smoking intervention skills
JK Ockene, ME Quirk, RJ Goldberg, JL Kristeller, G Donnelly, KL Kalan, ...
Archives of Internal Medicine 148 (5), 1039-1045, 1988
Overweight and obesity between adolescence and young adulthood: a 10-year prospective cohort study
GC Patton, C Coffey, JB Carlin, SM Sawyer, J Williams, CA Olsson, ...
Journal of adolescent health 48 (3), 275-280, 2011
Gender differences in the prevalence of impaired fasting glycaemia and impaired glucose tolerance in Mauritius. Does sex matter?
JW Williams, PZ Zimmet, JE Shaw, MP De Courten, AJ Cameron, ...
Diabetic medicine 20 (11), 915-920, 2003
How do school-day activity patterns differ with age and gender across adolescence?
T Olds, M Wake, G Patton, K Ridley, E Waters, J Williams, K Hesketh
Journal of adolescent health 44 (1), 64-72, 2009
Gender differences in personal, social and environmental influences on active travel to and from school for Australian adolescents
E Leslie, P Kremer, JW Toumbourou, JW Williams
Journal of science and medicine in sport 13 (6), 597-601, 2010
Association of different forms of bullying victimisation with adolescents’ psychological distress and reduced emotional wellbeing
HJ Thomas, GCK Chan, JG Scott, JP Connor, AB Kelly, J Williams
Australian & New Zealand journal of psychiatry 50 (4), 371-379, 2016
Growth of infant communication between 8 and 12 months: A population study
S Reilly, P Eadie, EL Bavin, M Wake, M Prior, J Williams, L Bretherton, ...
Journal of paediatrics and child health 42 (12), 764-770, 2006
Very young adolescents and alcohol: Evidence of a unique susceptibility to peer alcohol use
AB Kelly, GCK Chan, JW Toumbourou, M O'Flaherty, R Homel, GC Patton, ...
Addictive behaviors 37 (4), 414-419, 2012
The Early Language in Victoria Study: Predicting vocabulary at age one and two years from gesture and object use
EL Bavin, M Prior, S Reilly, L Bretherton, J Williams, P Eadie, Y Barrett, ...
Journal of Child Language 35 (3), 687-701, 2008
Gender differences in adolescent depression: Differential female susceptibility to stressors affecting family functioning
AJ Lewis, P Kremer, K Douglas, JW Toumborou, MA Hameed, GC Patton, ...
Australian Journal of Psychology 67 (3), 131-139, 2015
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