Bosco Rowland
Bosco Rowland
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ deakin.edu.au
The association between sports participation, alcohol use and aggression and violence: A systematic review
AL Sønderlund, K O’Brien, P Kremer, B Rowland, F De Groot, P Staiger, ...
Journal of science and medicine in sport 17 (1), 2-7, 2014
Relationship between raised BMI and sugar sweetened beverage and high fat food consumption among children
L Millar, B Rowland, M Nichols, B Swinburn, C Bennett, H Skouteris, ...
Obesity 22 (5), E96-E103, 2014
Community factors influencing child and adolescent depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis
K Stirling, JW Toumbourou, B Rowland
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 49 (10), 869-886, 2015
Are rates of school suspension higher in socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods? An Australian study
SA Hemphill, JW Toumbourou, R Smith, GE Kendall, B Rowland, ...
Health promotion journal of Australia 21 (1), 12-18, 2010
Gender differences in trajectories of depressive symptoms across childhood and adolescence: A multi-group growth mixture model
AJ Lewis, JH Sae-Koew, JW Toumbourou, B Rowland
Journal of affective disorders 260, 463-472, 2020
Associations between alcohol outlet densities and adolescent alcohol consumption: A study in Australian students
B Rowland, JW Toumbourou, L Satyen, G Tooley, J Hall, M Livingston, ...
Addictive behaviors 39 (1), 282-288, 2014
Community intervention to prevent adolescent health behavior problems: Evaluation of communities that care in Australia.
JW Toumbourou, B Rowland, J Williams, R Smith, GC Patton
Health Psychology 38 (6), 536, 2019
‘Rushing behind the wheel’: Investigating the prevalence of ‘drug driving’among club and rave patrons in Melbourne, Australia
C Duff, B Rowland
Drugs: education, prevention and policy 13 (4), 299-312, 2006
Tackling risky alcohol consumption in sport: a cluster randomised controlled trial of an alcohol management intervention with community football clubs
M Kingsland, L Wolfenden, J Tindall, BC Rowland, C Lecathelinais, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 69 (10), 993-999, 2015
Adolescent exposure to drink driving as a predictor of young adults’ drink driving
TJ Evans-Whipp, SM Plenty, JW Toumbourou, C Olsson, B Rowland, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 51, 185-191, 2013
Improving availability, promotion and purchase of fruit and vegetable and non sugar-sweetened drink products at community sporting clubs: a randomised trial
L Wolfenden, M Kingsland, BC Rowland, P Dodds, K Gillham, SL Yoong, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 12, 1-10, 2015
Impact of alcohol harm reduction strategies in community sports clubs: pilot evaluation of the Good Sports program.
B Rowland, F Allen, JW Toumbourou
Health psychology 31 (3), 323, 2012
The density of alcohol outlets and adolescent alcohol consumption: An Australian longitudinal analysis
B Rowland, T Evans-Whipp, S Hemphill, R Leung, M Livingston, ...
Health & Place 37, 43-49, 2016
The Culture and Context of Alcohol Use in Community Sporting Clubs in Australia: Research Into'attitudes' and'behaviour': Executive Summary
C Duff, M Scealy, B Rowland
Australian Drug Foundation, 2004
The association of alcohol outlet density with illegal underage adolescent purchasing of alcohol
B Rowland, JW Toumbourou, M Livingston
Journal of Adolescent Health 56 (2), 146-152, 2015
Alcohol consumption and sport: a cross-sectional study of alcohol management practices associated with at-risk alcohol consumption at community football clubs
M Kingsland, L Wolfenden, BC Rowland, KE Gillham, VJ Kennedy, ...
BMC Public Health 13, 1-9, 2013
A clustered randomised trial examining the effect of social marketing and community mobilisation on the age of uptake and levels of alcohol consumption by Australian adolescents
B Rowland, JW Toumbourou, A Osborn, R Smith, JK Hall, P Kremer, ...
BMJ open 3 (1), e002423, 2013
Student survey trends in reported alcohol use and influencing factors in Australia
JW Toumbourou, B Rowland, M Ghayour‐Minaie, S Sherker, GC Patton, ...
Drug and Alcohol Review 37, S58-S66, 2018
Longitudinal associations between early-mid adolescent risk and protective factors and young adult homelessness in Australia and the United States
JA Heerde, JA Bailey, JW Toumbourou, B Rowland, RF Catalano
Prevention Science 21 (4), 557-567, 2020
Association of risky alcohol consumption and accreditation in the ‘Good Sports’ alcohol management programme
B Rowland, F Allen, JW Toumbourou
J Epidemiol Community Health 66 (8), 684-690, 2012
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