justien cornelis
justien cornelis
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uantwerpen.be
Comparing exercise training modalities in heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis
J Cornelis, P Beckers, J Taeymans, C Vrints, D Vissers
International journal of cardiology 221, 867-876, 2016
Exercise training in patients with ventricular assist devices: a review of the evidence and practical advice. A position paper from the Committee on Exercise Physiology and …
S Adamopoulos, U Corra, ID Laoutaris, M Pistono, PG Agostoni, ...
European journal of heart failure 21 (1), 3-13, 2019
The effect of ankle muscle strength and flexibility on dolphin kick performance in competitive swimmers
TM Willems, JAM Cornelis, LEP De Deurwaerder, F Roelandt, S De Mits
Human movement science 36, 167-176, 2014
Prognostic respiratory parameters in heart failure patients with and without exercise oscillatory ventilation—a systematic review and descriptive meta-analysis
J Cornelis, J Taeymans, W Hens, P Beckers, C Vrints, D Vissers
International journal of cardiology 182, 476-486, 2015
An overview of the applied definitions and diagnostic methods to assess exercise oscillatory ventilation—a systematic review
J Cornelis, P Beckers, C Vanroy, T Volckaerts, C Vrints, D Vissers
International journal of cardiology 190, 161-169, 2015
Safe nurse staffing policies for hospitals in England, Ireland, California, Victoria and Queensland: A discussion paper
K Van den Heede, J Cornelis, N Bouckaert, L Bruyneel, C Van de Voorde, ...
Health Policy 124 (10), 1064-1073, 2020
The effect of lifestyle interventions on excess ectopic fat deposition measured by noninvasive techniques in overweight and obese adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
W Hens, J Taeymans, J Cornelis, J Gielen, L Van Gaal, D Vissers
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 13 (6), 671-694, 2016
Measuring physical activity with activity monitors in patients with heart failure: from literature to practice. A position paper from the Committee on Exercise Physiology and …
L Klompstra, M Kyriakou, E Lambrinou, MF Piepoli, AJS Coats, ...
European journal of heart failure 23 (1), 83-91, 2021
Organisation of mental health care for adults in Belgium
P Mistiaen, P Cornelis, J Detollenaere, S Devriese, MI Farfan, C Ricour, ...
Safe nurse staffing levels in acute hospitals
K Van den Heede, L Bruyneel, D Beeckmans, N Boon, N Bouckaert, ...
Belgian Healthcare Knowledge Centre (KCE), 2020
Exercise training in heart failure patients with persistent atrial fibrillation: a practical approach
J Cornelis, J Myers, H Heidbuchel, C Vrints, P Beckers
Cardiac failure review 4 (2), 107, 2018
Experiences with the implementation of remote monitoring in patients with COVID‐19: A qualitative study with patients and healthcare professionals
B Van Grootven, LA Irusta, W Christiaens, P Mistiaen, C De Meester, ...
Journal of nursing scholarship 55 (1), 67-78, 2023
Dotation infirmière pour des soins (plus) sûrs dans les hôpitaux aigus–Synthèse
K Van den Heede, L Bruyneel, D Beeckmans, N Boon, N Bouckaert, ...
Health Services Research (HSR). Bruxelles: Centre Fédéral d’Expertise des …, 2019
Organisation des soins de santé mentale pour les adultes en Belgique–Synthèse
P Mistiaen, J Cornelis, J Detollenaere, S Devriese, C Ricour
Bruxelles: Centre Fédéral d’Expertise des Soins de Santé (KCE): Health …, 2019
Development of a clinical applicable graphical user interface to automatically detect exercise oscillatory ventilation: The VOdEX-tool
J Cornelis, T Denis, P Beckers, C Vrints, D Vissers, M Goossens
International journal of cardiology 240, 291-296, 2017
Improving hospital nurse staffing during the pandemic: Implementation of the 2019 Fund for Health Care Staff in Belgium
K Van den Heede, K Balcaen, N Bouckaert, L Bruyneel, J Cornelis, ...
Health policy 128, 69-74, 2023
Remote monitoring of patients with COVID-19
J Cornelis, B Van Grootven, L Alvarez Irusta, C de Meester, W Christiaens, ...
International comparison of COVID-19 testing and contact tracing strategies
V Jespers, J Cornelis, C De Laet, D Roberfroid, S Gerkens, L De Raedt, ...
Fps Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment: Lieven De Raedt Sciensano …, 2020
Organisatie van geestelijke gezondheidszorg voor volwassenen in België
P Mistiaen, J Cornelis, J Detollenaere, S Devriese, C Ricour
Health Services Research (HSR), 2019
Values and sets of possible organisational solutions: a choice-based stakeholder analysis survey
P Smith, P Nicaise, I Neyens, K Hermans, S Thunus, C Walker, ...
Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE); Brussels, 2019
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