Xiaofeng Zhang
Xiaofeng Zhang
Harbin institute of technology Shenzhen Graduate School
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ hitsz.edu.cn
Hyperspectral image classification with deep learning models
X Yang, Y Ye, X Li, RYK Lau, X Zhang, X Huang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (9), 5408-5423, 2018
Road Detection and Centerline Extraction Via Deep Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network U-Net
X Yang, X Li, Y Ye, RYK Lau, X Zhang, X Huang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (9), 7209-7220, 2019
REDPC: A residual error-based density peak clustering algorithm
M Parmar, D Wang, X Zhang, AH Tan, C Miao, J Jiang, Y Zhou
Neurocomputing 348, 82-96, 2019
A novel hybrid deep recommendation system to differentiate user’s preference and item’s attractiveness
X Zhang, H Liu, X Chen, J Zhong, D Wang
Information Sciences 519, 306-316, 2020
Detecting Communities from Heterogeneous Graphs: A Context Path-based Graph Neural Network Model
L Luo, Y Fang, X Cao, X Zhang, W Zhang
Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information …, 2021
Synergistic 2D/3D Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
X Yang, X Zhang, Y Ye, RYK Lau, S Lu, X Li, X Huang
Remote Sensing 12 (12), 2033, 2020
The Author-Topic-Community model for author interest profiling and community discovery
C Li, WK Cheung, Y Ye, X Zhang, D Chu, X Li
Knowledge and Information Systems 44 (2), 359-383, 2015
Service-oriented distributed data mining
WK Cheung, XF Zhang, HF Wong, J Liu, ZW Luo, FCH Tong
IEEE internet computing 10 (4), 44-54, 2006
A Novel LSTM Model with Interaction Dual Attention for Radar Echo Extrapolation
C Luo, X Li, Y Wen, Y Ye, X Zhang
Remote Sensing 13 (2), 164, 2021
Visual tracking via exemplar regression model
X Ma, Q Liu, Z He, X Zhang, WS Chen
Knowledge-Based Systems 106, 26-37, 2016
Wasserstein autoencoders for collaborative filtering
X Zhang, J Zhong, K Liu
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (7), 2793-2802, 2021
CPU versus GPU: which can perform matrix computation faster—performance comparison for basic linear algebra subprograms
F Li, Y Ye, Z Tian, X Zhang
Neural Computing and Applications 31 (8), 4353-4365, 2019
Prediction of Protein–Protein Interactions with Clustered Amino Acids and Weighted Sparse Representation
Q Huang, Z You, X Zhang, Y Zhou
International journal of molecular sciences 16 (5), 10855-10869, 2015
Deepbot: A Deep Neural Network based approach for Detecting Twitter Bots
L Luo, X Zhang, X Yang, W Yang
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 719 (1), 012063, 2020
An interpretable neural fuzzy inference system for predictions of underpricing in initial public offerings
D Wang, X Qian, C Quek, AH Tan, C Miao, X Zhang, GS Ng, Y Zhou
Neurocomputing 319, 102-117, 2018
STEM: a suffix tree-based method for web data records extraction
Y Fang, X Xie, X Zhang, R Cheng, Z Zhang
Knowledge and Information Systems 55 (2), 305-331, 2018
Mining local data sources for learning global cluster models via local model exchange
XF Zhang, CM Lam, WK Cheung
The IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin 4 (2), 16-22, 2004
A robust local sparse tracker with global consistency constraint
X You, X Li, Z He, XF Zhang
Signal Processing 111, 308-318, 2015
MLRF: multi-label classification through random forest with label-set partition
F Liu, X Zhang, Y Ye, Y Zhao, Y Li
Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications: 11th International …, 2015
A motif-based graph neural network to reciprocal recommendation for online dating
L Luo, K Liu, D Peng, Y Ying, X Zhang
Neural Information Processing: 27th International Conference, ICONIP 2020 …, 2020
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