GARTEUR Handbook of mental workload measurement M Castor, E Hanson, E Svensson, S Nählinder, P LeBlaye, I MacLeod, ... GARTEUR, Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe, Flight …, 2003 | 67 | 2003 |
The use of structural equation modeling to describe the effect of operator functional state on air-to-air engagement outcomes M Castor PQDT-Global, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
Transfer of training in military aviation J Borgvall, M Castor, S Nählinder, PA Oskarsson, E Svensson Command and control systems, Swedish defence research agency (FOI), 2007 | 21 | 2007 |
Verification of an experimental platform integrating a Tobii eytracking system with the Hifi game engine C Sennersten, J Alfredson, M Castor, J Hedström, B Lindahl, C Lindley, ... Command and Control Systems, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), 2007 | 20 | 2007 |
Skill decay, reacquisition training, and transfer studies in the Swedish Air Force: A retrospective review E Svensson, M Angelborg-Thanderz, J Borgvall, M Castor Individual and Team Skill Decay, 258-281, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
Measuring eye movements in applied psychological research: Five different techniques-five different approaches J Alfredson, S Nählinder, M Castor Swedish Defence Research Agency, 2004 | 9 | 2004 |
Eye tracking-based target designation in simulated close range air combat SD O’Connell, M Castor, J Pousette, M Krantz Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 56 (1 …, 2012 | 8 | 2012 |
Användartest LKS demonstrator version 1 M Hammervik, J Lindoff, M Castor Ledningssystem, Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI), 2006 | 8 | 2006 |
Enhanced scenario visualization for simulation-based training J Borgvall, M Castor, SD O'Connell 16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 203, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
International mission training research (IMTR): Competency-based methods for interoperable training, rehearsal and evaluation W Bennett Jr, J Borgvall, P Lavén, M Castor, SE Gehr, B Schreiber, ... Proceedings of the European interoperability workshop (EuroSIW), 2006 | 7 | 2006 |
Knowledge and skill-based evaluation of simulated and live training–From evaluation framework to field application M Castor, J Borgvall, W Bennett Jr 2009 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 386, 2009 | 6 | 2009 |
More intelligent gas turbine engines (Des turbomoteurs plus intelligents) D Culley, S Garg, SJ Hiller, W Horn, A Kumar, HK Mathews, H Moustapha, ... DTIC Document, 2009 | 6 | 2009 |
Att mäta effekter av ledningskrigföring på ledningsförmåga M Castor, M Hammervik, J Lindoff, C Rencrantz, B Kylesten, J Svensson FOI, 2007 | 5 | 2007 |
Mission essential competencies: kompetens-operativa krav J Borgvall, M Castor Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI), 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Development of a meta instrument for evaluation of man-system interaction in systems engineering J Alfredson, PA Oskarsson, M Castor, J Svensson Proceedings of the 35th Annual Congress of the Nordic Ergonomics Society, 77-79, 2003 | 5 | 2003 |
Towards the Learning Organisation: Frameworks, Methods, and Tools for Resource-Efficient and Effective Training H Artman, R Ramberg, H Jander, S Lindquist, M Castor, J Borgvall Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI), 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
Framing and leveling preparatory training for large force exercises J Borgvall, M Castor Proceedings of 8th annual Meeting of the Society for Human Performance in …, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Slutrapport LKS: metodutveckling M Hammervik, P Klum, P Lif, B Johansson, M Castor, L Tydén Avdelningen för informationssystem, Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI), 2009 | 4 | 2009 |
Slutrapport IRIS programmets förstudie ÖKA (Ökad användning av kurvade inflygningar) M Castor, A Näs, J Borgvall, H Ekstrand, A Linnér, L Rappich, ... Rapport till IRIS-programmet. Tillgänglig via https://fudinfo. trafikverket …, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Human factors related to remote control of automated heavy vehicles A Habibovic, J Andersson, M Castor, L Meiby, D Rizgary SAFER Prestudies: final report, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |