Melissa Marschall
Melissa Marschall
Professor Political Science, Rice University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ rice.edu
Choosing schools: Consumer choice and the quality of American schools
M Schneider, P Teske, M Marschall
Princeton University Press, 2000
Race and the city: Neighborhood context and the development of generalized trust
MJ Marschall, D Stolle
Political behavior 26, 125-153, 2004
Institutional arrangements and the creation of social capital: The effects of public school choice
M Schneider, P Teske, M Marschall, M Mintrom, C Roch
American Political Science Review 91 (1), 82-93, 1997
Citizen participation and the neighborhood context: A new look at the coproduction of local public goods
MJ Marschall
Political research quarterly 57 (2), 231-244, 2004
Parent involvement and educational outcomes for Latino students
M Marschall
Review of Policy Research 23 (5), 1053-1076, 2006
School choice and culture wars in the classroom: What different parents seek from education
M Schneider, M Marschall, P Teske, C Roch
Social Science Quarterly, 489-501, 1998
Networks to nowhere: Segregation and stratification in networks of information about schools
M Schneider, P Teske, C Roch, M Marschall
American Journal of Political Science, 1201-1223, 1997
Shopping for schools: In the land of the blind, the one-eyed parent may be enough
M Schneider, P Teske, M Marshall, C Roch
American Journal of Political Science, 769-793, 1998
Does housing create votes? Explaining the electoral success of the AKP in Turkey
M Marschall, A Aydogan, A Bulut
Electoral Studies 42, 201-212, 2016
The new racial calculus: Electoral institutions and black representation in local legislatures
MJ Marschall, AVS Ruhil, PR Shah
American Journal of Political Science 54 (1), 107-124, 2010
Does the shoe fit? Testing models of participation for African-American and Latino involvement in local politics
MJ Marschall
Urban Affairs Review 37 (2), 227-248, 2001
Linking the process and outcomes of parent involvement policy to the parent involvement gap
MJ Marschall, PR Shah
Urban Education 55 (5), 699-729, 2020
Substantive symbols: The attitudinal dimension of black political incorporation in local government
MJ Marschall, AVS Ruhil
American Journal of Political Science 51 (1), 17-33, 2007
The attitudinal effects of minority incorporation: Examining the racial dimensions of trust in urban America
M Marschall, PR Shah
Urban Affairs Review 42 (5), 629-658, 2007
Parent involvement policy in established and new immigrant destinations
MJ Marschall, PR Shah, K Donato
Social Science Quarterly 93 (1), 130-151, 2012
The Study of Local Elections: Editors' Introduction: A Looking Glass into the Future
M Marschall, P Shah, A Ruhil
PS: Political Science & Politics 44 (1), 97-100, 2011
Heuristics, low information rationality, and choosing public goods: Broken windows as shortcuts to information about school performance
M Schneider, M Marschall, C Roch, P Teske
Urban Affairs Review 34 (5), 729-741, 1999
Minority incorporation and local school boards
MJ Marschall
Besieged: School boards and the future of education politics, 173-198, 2005
Do state policies constrain local actors? The impact of English only laws on language instruction in public schools
MJ Marschall, E Rigby, J Jenkins
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 41 (4), 586-609, 2011
Keeping policy churn off the agenda: Urban education and civic capacity
M Marschall, P Shah
Policy Studies Journal 33 (2), 161-180, 2005
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