Shmuel M Rubinstein
Shmuel M Rubinstein
The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ mail.huji.ac.il - หน้าแรก
Kirigami skins make a simple soft actuator crawl
A Rafsanjani, Y Zhang, B Liu, SM Rubinstein, K Bertoldi
Science Robotics 3 (15), eaar7555, 2018
Detachment fronts and the onset of dynamic friction
SM Rubinstein, G Cohen, J Fineberg
Nature 430 (7003), 1005-1009, 2004
Direct observation of a nonequilibrium electro-osmotic instability
SM Rubinstein, G Manukyan, A Staicu, I Rubinstein, B Zaltzman, ...
Physical review letters 101 (23), 236101, 2008
Slip-stick and the evolution of frictional strength
O Ben-David, SM Rubinstein, J Fineberg
Nature 463 (7277), 76-79, 2010
Dynamics of precursors to frictional sliding
SM Rubinstein, G Cohen, J Fineberg
Physical review letters 98 (22), 226103, 2007
Skating on a film of air: drops impacting on a surface
JM Kolinski, SM Rubinstein, S Mandre, MP Brenner, DA Weitz, ...
Physical review letters 108 (7), 074503, 2012
Drops can bounce from perfectly hydrophilic surfaces
JM Kolinski, L Mahadevan, SM Rubinstein
Europhysics Letters 108 (2), 24001, 2014
Stability landscape of shell buckling
E Virot, T Kreilos, TM Schneider, SM Rubinstein
Physical review letters 119 (22), 224101, 2017
Spatial Regulation of Histidine Kinases Governing Biofilm Formation in Bacillus subtilis
AL McLoon, I Kolodkin-Gal, SM Rubinstein, R Kolter, R Losick
Journal of bacteriology 193 (3), 679-685, 2011
Nonmonotonic aging and memory retention in disordered mechanical systems
Y Lahini, O Gottesman, A Amir, SM Rubinstein
Physical review letters 118 (8), 085501, 2017
Lift-off instability during the impact of a drop on a solid surface
JM Kolinski, L Mahadevan, SM Rubinstein
Physical review letters 112 (13), 134501, 2014
Contact area measurements reveal loading-history dependence of static friction
SM Rubinstein, G Cohen, J Fineberg
Physical review letters 96 (25), 256103, 2006
Osmotic pressure can regulate matrix gene expression in Bacillus subtilis
SM Rubinstein, I Kolodkin‐Gal, A Mcloon, L Chai, R Kolter, R Losick, ...
Molecular microbiology 86 (2), 426-436, 2012
On establishing buckling knockdowns for imperfection-sensitive shell structures
S Gerasimidis, E Virot, JW Hutchinson, SM Rubinstein
Journal of Applied Mechanics 85 (9), 091010, 2018
Machine learning in a data-limited regime: Augmenting experiments with synthetic data uncovers order in crumpled sheets
J Hoffmann, Y Bar-Sinai, LM Lee, J Andrejevic, S Mishra, SM Rubinstein, ...
Science advances 5 (4), eaau6792, 2019
Nonmonotonic aging and memory in a frictional interface
S Dillavou, SM Rubinstein
Physical review letters 120 (22), 224101, 2018
Stabilizing stick-slip friction
R Capozza, SM Rubinstein, I Barel, M Urbakh, J Fineberg
Physical review letters 107 (2), 024301, 2011
Visualizing stick–slip: experimental observations of processes governing the nucleation of frictional sliding
SM Rubinstein, G Cohen, J Fineberg
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 214016, 2009
Turbulence generation through an iterative cascade of the elliptical instability
R McKeown, R Ostilla-Mónico, A Pumir, MP Brenner, SM Rubinstein
Science advances 6 (9), eaaz2717, 2020
Probing phenotypic growth in expanding Bacillus subtilis biofilms
X Wang, SA Koehler, JN Wilking, NN Sinha, MT Cabeen, S Srinivasan, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 100, 4607-4615, 2016
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