Edward S. Hui
Edward S. Hui
Assistant Professor of Radiology and Psychiatry @ The Chinese University of Hong Kong
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ cuhk.edu.hk - หน้าแรก
LINGO-1 antagonist promotes spinal cord remyelination and axonal integrity in MOG-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
S Mi, B Hu, K Hahm, Y Luo, ES Kam Hui, Q Yuan, WM Wong, L Wang, ...
Nature medicine 13 (10), 1228-1233, 2007
Towards better MR characterization of neural tissues using directional diffusion kurtosis analysis
ES Hui, MM Cheung, L Qi, EX Wu
Neuroimage 42 (1), 122-134, 2008
Does diffusion kurtosis imaging lead to better neural tissue characterization? A rodent brain maturation study
MM Cheung, ES Hui, KC Chan, JA Helpern, L Qi, EX Wu
Neuroimage 45 (2), 386-392, 2009
Stroke assessment with diffusional kurtosis imaging
ES Hui, E Fieremans, JH Jensen, A Tabesh, W Feng, L Bonilha, ...
Stroke 43 (11), 2968-2973, 2012
Prenatal immune challenge is an environmental risk factor for brain and behavior change relevant to schizophrenia: evidence from MRI in a mouse model
Q Li, C Cheung, R Wei, ES Hui, J Feldon, U Meyer, S Chung, SE Chua, ...
PloS one 4 (7), e6354, 2009
B-value dependence of DTI quantitation and sensitivity in detecting neural tissue changes
ES Hui, MM Cheung, KC Chan, EX Wu
Neuroimage 49 (3), 2366-2374, 2010
Spatiotemporal dynamics of diffusional kurtosis, mean diffusivity and perfusion changes in experimental stroke
ES Hui, F Du, S Huang, Q Shen, TQ Duong
Brain research 1451, 100-109, 2012
Histological correlation of diffusional kurtosis and white matter modeling metrics in cuprizone‐induced corpus callosum demyelination
MF Falangola, DN Guilfoyle, A Tabesh, ES Hui, X Nie, JH Jensen, ...
NMR in Biomedicine 27 (8), 948-957, 2014
Functional deficits induced by cortical microinfarcts
PM Summers, DA Hartmann, ES Hui, X Nie, RL Deardorff, ET McKinnon, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 37 (11), 3599-3614, 2017
Evaluation of the retina and optic nerve in a rat model of chronic glaucoma using in vivo manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
KC Chan, Q Fu, ES Hui, K So, EX Wu
Neuroimage 40 (3), 1166-1174, 2008
Diffusional kurtosis and diffusion tensor imaging reveal different time-sensitive stroke-induced microstructural changes
RA Weber, ES Hui, JH Jensen, X Nie, MF Falangola, JA Helpern, ...
Stroke 46 (2), 545-550, 2015
Diffusion tensor MR study of optic nerve degeneration in glaucoma
ES Hui, Q Fu, K So, EX Wu
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2007
Relationship between intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion‐weighted MRI and dynamic contrast‐enhanced MRI in tissue perfusion of cervical cancers
EYP Lee, ESK Hui, KKL Chan, KY Tse, WK Kwong, TY Chang, Q Chan, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 42 (2), 454-459, 2015
Voxel-based analysis of postnatal white matter microstructure in mice exposed to immune challenge in early or late pregnancy
Q Li, C Cheung, R Wei, V Cheung, ES Hui, Y You, P Wong, SE Chua, ...
Neuroimage 52 (1), 1-8, 2010
MRI reconstruction using deep Bayesian estimation
G Luo, N Zhao, W Jiang, ES Hui, P Cao
Magnetic resonance in medicine 84 (4), 2246-2261, 2020
Quantitative susceptibility mapping as an indicator of subcortical and limbic iron abnormality in Parkinson's disease with dementia
DTH Li, ES Hui, Q Chan, N Yao, SE Chua, GM McAlonan, SYY Pang, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 20, 365-373, 2018
Microvascular basis for growth of small infarcts following occlusion of single penetrating arterioles in mouse cortex
ZJ Taylor, ES Hui, AN Watson, X Nie, RL Deardorff, JH Jensen, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 36 (8), 1357-1373, 2016
Advanced MR diffusion characterization of neural tissue using directional diffusion kurtosis analysis
ES Hui, MM Cheung, L Qi, EX Wu
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008
Hemisphere, gender and age‐related effects on iron deposition in deep gray matter revealed by quantitative susceptibility mapping
NJ Gong, CS Wong, ES Hui, CC Chan, LM Leung
NMR in Biomedicine 28 (10), 1267-1274, 2015
Development of imaging-based risk scores for prediction of intracranial haemorrhage and ischaemic stroke in patients taking antithrombotic therapy after ischaemic stroke or …
JG Best, G Ambler, D Wilson, KJ Lee, JS Lim, M Shiozawa, M Koga, L Li, ...
The Lancet Neurology 20 (4), 294-303, 2021
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