Abdollah Ahmadi
Abdollah Ahmadi
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ unsw.edu.au - หน้าแรก
Review of FACTS technologies and applications for power quality in smart grids with renewable energy systems
FH Gandoman, A Ahmadi, AM Sharaf, P Siano, J Pou, B Hredzak, ...
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 82, 502-514, 2018
Optimal sizing and energy management of stand-alone hybrid photovoltaic/wind system based on hydrogen storage considering LOEE and LOLE reliability indices using flower …
MJH Moghaddam, A Kalam, SA Nowdeh, A Ahmadi, M Babanezhad, ...
Renewable energy 135, 1412-1434, 2019
An internet of energy framework with distributed energy resources, prosumers and small-scale virtual power plants: An overview
K Mahmud, B Khan, J Ravishankar, A Ahmadi, P Siano
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 127, 109840, 2020
Environmental/economic scheduling of a micro-grid with renewable energy resources
A Rezvani, M Gandomkar, M Izadbakhsh, A Ahmadi
Journal of cleaner production 87, 216-226, 2015
Fuzzy multi-objective placement of renewable energy sources in distribution system with objective of loss reduction and reliability improvement using a novel hybrid method
SA Nowdeh, IF Davoudkhani, MJH Moghaddam, ES Najmi, AY Abdelaziz, ...
Applied Soft Computing 77, 761-779, 2019
Short-term resource scheduling of a renewable energy based micro grid
M Izadbakhsh, M Gandomkar, A Rezvani, A Ahmadi
Renewable energy 75, 598-606, 2015
Optimal Robust Unit Commitment of CHP Plants in Electricity Markets Using Information Gap Decision Theory
J Aghaei, VG Agelidis, M Charwand, F Raeisi, A Ahmadi, AE Nezhad, A Heidari
IEEE Trans Smart Grid 8 (5), 2296-2304, 2017
Status and future perspectives of reliability assessment for electric vehicles
FH Gandoman, A Ahmadi, P Van den Bossche, J Van Mierlo, N Omar, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 183, 1-16, 2019
Mixed integer programming of multi-objective security-constrained hydro/thermal unit commitment
MR Norouzi, A Ahmadi, AE Nezhad, A Ghaedi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 29, 911-923, 2014
Economic energy and reserve management of renewable-based microgrids in the presence of electric vehicle aggregators: A robust optimization approach
N Rezaei, A Khazali, M Mazidi, A Ahmadi
Energy 201, 117629, 2020
Mixed integer programming of multiobjective hydro-thermal self scheduling
A Ahmadi, J Aghaei, HA Shayanfar, A Rabiee
Applied Soft Computing 12 (8), 2137-2146, 2012
Security-constrained unit commitment in presence of lithium-ion battery storage units using information-gap decision theory
A Ahmadi, AE Nezhad, B Hredzak
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (1), 148-157, 2018
Energy and frequency hierarchical management system using information gap decision theory for islanded microgrids
N Rezaei, A Ahmadi, AH Khazali, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (10), 7921-7932, 2018
Minimizing the energy cost for microgrids integrated with renewable energy resources and conventional generation using controlled battery energy storage
M Khalid, A Ahmadi, AV Savkin, VG Agelidis
Renewable Energy 97, 646-655, 2016
Power quality improvement in smart grids using electric vehicles: a review
A Ahmadi, A Tavakoli, P Jamborsalamati, N Rezaei, MR Miveh, ...
IET Electrical Systems in Transportation 9 (2), 53-64, 2019
Risk constrained self-scheduling of hydro/wind units for short term electricity markets considering intermittency and uncertainty
HM Ghadikolaei, A Ahmadi, J Aghaei, M Najafi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (7), 4734-4743, 2012
Risk-constrained optimal strategy for retailer forward contract portfolio
A Ahmadi, M Charwand, J Aghaei
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 53, 704-713, 2013
Optimal bidding strategy of a renewable-based virtual power plant including wind and solar units and dispatchable loads
M Shafiekhani, A Ahmadi, O Homaee, M Shafie-khah, JPS Catalão
Energy 239, 122379, 2022
Short-term solar power forecasting considering cloud coverage and ambient temperature variation effects
FH Gandoman, SHEA Aleem, N Omar, A Ahmadi, FQ Alenezi
Renewable Energy 123, 793-805, 2018
Scenario-based security-constrained hydrothermal coordination with volatile wind power generation
M Karami, HA Shayanfar, J Aghaei, A Ahmadi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 28, 726-737, 2013
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