Shurjeel Wyne
Shurjeel Wyne
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ comsats.edu.pk
Quantum machine learning for 6G communication networks: State-of-the-art and vision for the future
SJ Nawaz, SK Sharma, S Wyne, MN Patwary, M Asaduzzaman
IEEE access 7, 46317-46350, 2019
On mm-wave multipath clustering and channel modeling
C Gustafson, K Haneda, S Wyne, F Tufvesson
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 62 (3), 1445-1455, 2013
A comprehensive survey on cooperative relaying and jamming strategies for physical layer security
F Jameel, S Wyne, G Kaddoum, TQ Duong
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (3), 2734-2771, 2018
A measurement-based statistical model for industrial ultra-wideband channels
J Karedal, S Wyne, P Almers, F Tufvesson, AF Molisch
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 6 (8), 3028-3037, 2007
Statistical analysis of the UWB channel in an industrial environment
J Karedal, S Wyne, P Almers, F Tufvesson, AF Molisch
IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 1, 81-85, 2004
Measurement of loop-back interference channels for outdoor-to-indoor full-duplex radio relays
K Haneda, E Kahra, S Wyne, C Icheln, P Vainikainen
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 1-5, 2010
UWB channel measurements in an industrial environment
J Karedal, S Wyne, P Almers, F Tufvesson, AF Molisch
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2004. GLOBECOM'04. 6, 3511-3516, 2004
Propagation channels for mmWave vehicular communications: State-of-the-art and future research directions
F Jameel, S Wyne, SJ Nawaz, Z Chang
IEEE Wireless Communications 26 (1), 144-150, 2018
Optimal eigenbeamforming for suppressing self-interference in full-duplex MIMO relays
T Riihonen, A Balakrishnan, K Haneda, S Wyne, S Werner, R Wichman
2011 45th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, 1-6, 2011
Tracking time-variant cluster parameters in MIMO channel measurements
N Czink, R Tian, S Wyne, F Tufvesson, JP Nuutinen, J Ylitalo, E Bonek, ...
2007 Second International Conference on Communications and Networking in …, 2007
A statistical model for indoor office wireless sensor channels
S Wyne, AP Singh, F Tufvesson, AF Molisch
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (8), 4154-4164, 2009
Beamforming effects on measured mm-wave channel characteristics
S Wyne, K Haneda, S Ranvier, F Tufvesson, AF Molisch
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10 (11), 3553-3559, 2011
Outdoor-to-indoor office MIMO measurements and analysis at 5.2 GHz
S Wyne, AF Molisch, P Almers, G Eriksson, J Karedal, F Tufvesson
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 57 (3), 1374-1386, 2008
Statistical evaluation of outdoor-to-indoor office MIMO measurements at 5.2 GHz
S Wyne, AF Molisch, P Almers, G Eriksson, J Karedal, F Tufvesson
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference 1, 146-150, 2005
Effect of random walk phase noise on MIMO measurements
P Almers, S Wyne, F Tufvesson, AF Molisch
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference 1, 141-145, 2005
Secure communications in three-step two-way energy harvesting DF relaying
F Jameel, S Wyne, Z Ding
IEEE Communications Letters 22 (2), 308-311, 2017
60 GHz spatial radio transmission: Multiplexing or beamforming?
K Haneda, C Gustafson, S Wyne
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 61 (11), 5735-5743, 2013
Secrecy outage for wireless sensor networks
F Jameel, S Wyne, I Krikidis
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (7), 1565-1568, 2017
Interference-aided vehicular networks: Future research opportunities and challenges
F Jameel, S Wyne, MA Javed, S Zeadally
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (10), 36-42, 2018
Directional analysis of measured 60 GHz indoor radio channels using SAGE
C Gustafson, F Tufvesson, S Wyne, K Haneda, AF Molisch
2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2011
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