Hai Wang
Hai Wang
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ stanford.edu - หน้าแรก
USC Mech Version II. High-Temperature Combustion Reaction Model of H2/CO/C1-C4 Compounds
H Wang, X You, AV Joshi, SG Davis, A Laskin, F Egolfopoulos, CK Law
http://ignis.usc.edu/USC_Mech_II.htm, 2007
A detailed kinetic modeling study of aromatics formation in laminar premixed acetylene and ethylene flames
H Wang, M Frenklach
Combustion and flame 110 (1-2), 173-221, 1997
Detailed mechanism and modeling of soot particle formation
M Frenklach, H Wang
Soot formation in combustion, 165-192, 1994
Detailed modeling of soot particle nucleation and growth
M Frenklach, H Wang
Symposium (International) on Combustion 23 (1), 1559-1566, 1991
Formation of nascent soot and other condensed-phase materials in flames
H Wang
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 41-67, 2011
An optimized kinetic model of H2/CO combustion
SG Davis, AV Joshi, H Wang, F Egolfopoulos
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 1283-1292, 2005
Gri-mech 1.2-an optimized detailed chemical reaction mechanism for methane combustion
M Frenklach, H Wang, C Yu, M Goldenberg, C Bowman, R Hanson, ...
GRI Tech. Report GRI-95/0058, 1995
Detailed surface and gas-phase chemical kinetics of diamond deposition
M Frenklach, H Wang
Physical Review B 43 (2), 1520, 1991
Optimization and analysis of large chemical kinetic mechanisms using the solution mapping method—combustion of methane
M Frenklach, H Wang, MJ Rabinowitz
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 18 (1), 47-73, 1992
A high-temperature chemical kinetic model of n-alkane (up to n-dodecane), cyclohexane, and methyl-, ethyl-, n-propyl and n-butyl-cyclohexane oxidation at high temperatures
H Wang, E Dames, B Sirjean, DA Sheen, R Tangko, A Violi, JYW Lai, ...
JetSurF version 2, 19, 2010
Propagation and extinction of premixed C5–C12 n-alkane flames
C Ji, E Dames, YL Wang, H Wang, FN Egolfopoulos
Combustion and Flame 157 (2), 277-287, 2010
A physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry-I. Evidence from experiments, and thermodynamic, chemical kinetic and statistical considerations
H Wang, R Xu, K Wang, CT Bowman, RK Hanson, DF Davidson, ...
Combustion and Flame 193, 502-519, 2018
Calculations of rate coefficients for the chemically activated reactions of acetylene with vinylic and aromatic radicals
H Wang, M Frenklach
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 98 (44), 11465-11489, 1994
Combustion chemistry of propane: a case study of detailed reaction mechanism optimization
Z Qin, VV Lissianski, H Yang, WC Gardiner, SG Davis, H Wang
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 28 (2), 1663-1669, 2000
Detailed modeling of soot formation in laminar premixed ethylene flames at a pressure of 10 bar
A Kazakov, H Wang, M Frenklach
Combustion and Flame 100 (1-2), 111-120, 1995
A physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry–II. Reaction kinetic models of jet and rocket fuels
R Xu, K Wang, S Banerjee, J Shao, T Parise, Y Zhu, S Wang, A Movaghar, ...
Combustion and Flame 193, 520-537, 2018
Combustion kinetic model uncertainty quantification, propagation and minimization
H Wang, DA Sheen
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 47, 1-31, 2015
Measurement and numerical simulation of soot particle size distribution functions in a laminar premixed ethylene-oxygen-argon flame
B Zhao, Z Yang, MV Johnston, H Wang, AS Wexler, M Balthasar, M Kraft
Combustion and Flame 133 (1-2), 173-188, 2003
Foundational Fuel Chemistry Model Version 1.0 (FFCM-1)
GP Smith, Y Tao, H Wang
Retrieved November 30, 2017, 2016
Transport properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for flame modeling
H Wang, M Frenklach
Combustion and flame 96 (1-2), 163-170, 1994
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