Nicolas Thiré
Nicolas Thiré
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Linking high harmonics from gases and solids
G Vampa, TJ Hammond, N Thiré, BE Schmidt, F Légaré, CR McDonald, ...
Nature 522 (7557), 462, 2015
All-optical reconstruction of crystal band structure
G Vampa, TJ Hammond, N Thiré, BE Schmidt, F Légaré, CR McDonald, ...
Physical review letters 115 (19), 193603, 2015
Probing molecular chirality on a sub-femtosecond timescale
R Cireasa, AE Boguslavskiy, B Pons, MCH Wong, D Descamps, S Petit, ...
Nature Physics 11 (8), 654-658, 2015
Frequency domain optical parametric amplification
BE Schmidt, N Thiré, M Boivin, A Laramée, F Poitras, G Lebrun, T Ozaki, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3643, 2014
High-order harmonic spectroscopy of the Cooper minimum in argon: Experimental and theoretical study
J Higuet, H Ruf, N Thiré, R Cireasa, E Constant, E Cormier, D Descamps, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 053401, 2011
Tabletop imaging of structural evolutions in chemical reactions demonstrated for the acetylene cation
H Ibrahim, B Wales, S Beaulieu, BE Schmidt, N Thiré, EP Fowe, É Bisson, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4422, 2014
Strong-field optoelectronics in solids
G Vampa, TJ Hammond, M Taucer, X Ding, X Ropagnol, T Ozaki, ...
Nature photonics 12 (8), 465-468, 2018
0.42 TW 2-cycle pulses at 1.8 μm via hollow-core fiber compression
V Cardin, N Thiré, S Beaulieu, V Wanie, F Légaré, BE Schmidt
Applied Physics Letters 107 (18), 2015
Highly stable, 15 W, few-cycle, 65 mrad CEP-noise mid-IR OPCPA for statistical physics
N Thiré, R Maksimenka, B Kiss, C Ferchaud, G Gitzinger, T Pinoteau, ...
Optics express 26 (21), 26907-26915, 2018
4-W, 100-kHz, few-cycle mid-infrared source with sub-100-mrad carrier-envelope phase noise
N Thiré, R Maksimenka, B Kiss, C Ferchaud, P Bizouard, E Cormier, ...
Optics express 25 (2), 1505-1514, 2017
Direct electron acceleration with radially polarized laser beams
C Varin, S Payeur, V Marceau, S Fourmaux, A April, B Schmidt, PL Fortin, ...
Applied Sciences 3 (1), 70-93, 2013
High-order harmonic generation from the dressed autoionizing states
MA Fareed, VV Strelkov, N Thiré, S Mondal, BE Schmidt, F Légaré, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 16061, 2017
Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in fluoroindate fiber
F Théberge, JF Daigle, D Vincent, P Mathieu, J Fortin, BE Schmidt, ...
Optics letters 38 (22), 4683-4685, 2013
Inhomogeneous high harmonic generation in krypton clusters
H Ruf, C Handschin, R Cireasa, N Thiré, A Ferré, S Petit, D Descamps, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (8), 083902, 2013
Multioctave infrared supercontinuum generation in large-core As2S3 fibers
F Théberge, N Thiré, JF Daigle, P Mathieu, BE Schmidt, Y Messaddeq, ...
Optics letters 39 (22), 6474-6477, 2014
Terahertz pulse generation from bulk GaAs by a tilted-pulse-front excitation at 1.8 μm
F Blanchard, BE Schmidt, X Ropagnol, N Thiré, T Ozaki, R Morandotti, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (24), 2014
Nonperturbative harmonic generation in graphene from intense midinfrared pulsed light
M Taucer, TJ Hammond, PB Corkum, G Vampa, C Couture, N Thire, ...
Physical Review B 96 (19), 195420, 2017
10 mJ 5-cycle pulses at 1.8 μm through optical parametric amplification
N Thiré, S Beaulieu, V Cardin, A Laramée, V Wanie, BE Schmidt, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (9), 2015
Harmonic generation from neutral manganese atoms in the vicinity of the giant autoionization resonance
MA Fareed, VV Strelkov, M Singh, N Thiré, S Mondal, BE Schmidt, ...
Physical review letters 121 (2), 023201, 2018
Coherent control of D2/H2 dissociative ionization by a mid-infrared two-color laser field
V Wanie, H Ibrahim, S Beaulieu, N Thiré, BE Schmidt, Y Deng, AS Alnaser, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (2), 025601, 2015
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