Pepe Strathoff
Pepe Strathoff
Center for Leadership and Values in Society - University of St. Gallen
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ hsgalumni.ch - หน้าแรก
Systemic principles of value co-creation: Synergetics of value and service ecosystems
T Meynhardt, JD Chandler, P Strathoff
Journal of business research 69 (8), 2981-2989, 2016
Privacy concerns and online behavior–Not so paradoxical after all? Viewing the privacy paradox through different theoretical lenses
C Lutz, P Strathoff
Viewing the Privacy Paradox Through Different Theoretical Lenses (April 15 …, 2014
Public value performance: What does it mean to create value in the public sector?
T Meynhardt, SA Brieger, P Strathoff, S Anderer, A Bäro, C Hermann, ...
Public sector management in a globalized world, 135-160, 2017
Same same but different: The relationship between organizational reputation and organizational public value
T Meynhardt, P Strathoff, A Fröhlich, SA Brieger
Corporate Reputation Review 22, 144-158, 2019
On how business students’ personal values and sustainability conceptions impact their sustainability management orientation: Evidence from Germany, Indonesia and the USA
J Seidel, A Sundermann, SA Brieger, P Strathoff, GH Jacob, T Antonio, ...
Journal of Global Responsibility 9 (4), 335-354, 2018
Re-setting the stage for privacy: A multi-layered privacy interaction framework and its application
L Aeschlimann, R Harasgama, F Kehr, C Lutz, V Milanova, S Müller, ...
Mensch und Maschine-Symbiose oder Parasitismus, 2015
Creating Shared Value–wie Porter den Kapitalismus neu erfinden möchte
P Strathoff
OrganisationsEntwicklung–Zeitschrift für Unternehmensentwicklung und Change …, 2013
FC Bayern Munich: Creating public value between local embeddedness and global growth
T Meynhardt
& Gomez, P.(2017). Public value performance: What does it mean to create value in the public sector
T Meynhardt, SA Brieger, P Strathoff, S Anderer, A Bäro, C Hermann
Public sector management in a globalized world, 135-160, 0
The VBA model and public value: Filling the value gap
P Strathoff
Business & Professional Ethics Journal, 297-319, 2014
Gemeinschaft schlägt Gesellschaft–Die vermeintliche Paradoxie des Privaten
P Strathoff, C Lutz
Hahn, Oliver, Hohlfeld, Ralf und Knieper, Thomas (Hg.) Digitale …, 2015
Of Hedgehogs and Foxes: The Influence of Individual Cognition on Public Value
P Strathoff, C Bilolo
International OFEL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship …, 2014
Public administration contributes to happiness: a study on the relationship between public value and happiness in Switzerland
T Meynhardt, P Strathoff, J Bardeli, S Brieger
International journal of public sector management 37 (4), 504-530, 2024
Public Value and Happiness: Evidence from Public Administration in Switzerland
T Meynhardt, P Strathoff, S Brieger
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 18440, 2015
Führung mit Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)
A Eurich, T Flinspach, K Möller, P Strathoff
Controlling 31 (S), 65-70, 2019
Leadership for sustainability: The role of values, sustainability understanding, and education
A Sundermann, SA Brieger, J Seidel, P Strathoff
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 16066, 2016
Public Value: rethinking
T Meynhardt, P Gomez, P Strathoff
Dialogue 2015, 2014
Das Paradox der Privatsphäre
C Lutz, P Strathoff
Netzwoche 12, 27-28, 2014
Analyzing management preferences for sustainability: toward a new framework
SA Brieger, J Seidel, P Strahoff, A Sundermann
31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, 2015
Management von Versicherungsunternehmen
T Meynhardt, M Rosenbau, LF Gruppe, V Leipzig, P Strathoff
Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen 1, 11, 2023
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