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Accurate band gaps of semiconductors and insulators<? format?> with a semilocal exchange-correlation potential F Tran, P Blaha Physical review letters 102 (22), 226401, 2009 | 6252 | 2009 |
Full-potential, linearized augmented plane wave programs for crystalline systems P Blaha, K Schwarz, P Sorantin, SB Trickey Computer physics communications 59 (2), 399-415, 1990 | 3155 | 1990 |
Electronic structure calculations of solids using the WIEN2k package for material sciences K Schwarz, P Blaha, GKH Madsen Computer physics communications 147 (1-2), 71-76, 2002 | 2164 | 2002 |
WIEN2k: An APW+ lo program for calculating the properties of solids P Blaha, K Schwarz, F Tran, R Laskowski, GKH Madsen, LD Marks The Journal of chemical physics 152 (7), 2020 | 2041 | 2020 |
Solid state calculations using WIEN2k K Schwarz, P Blaha Computational Materials Science 28 (2), 259-273, 2003 | 1475 | 2003 |
Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations of solids K Lejaeghere, G Bihlmayer, T Björkman, P Blaha, S Blügel, V Blum, ... Science 351 (6280), aad3000, 2016 | 1412 | 2016 |
Efficient linearization of the augmented plane-wave method GKH Madsen, P Blaha, K Schwarz, E Sjöstedt, L Nordström Physical Review B 64 (19), 195134, 2001 | 1362 | 2001 |
Accurate density functional with correct formal properties: A step beyond the generalized gradient approximation JP Perdew, S Kurth, A Zupan, P Blaha Physical review letters 82 (12), 2544, 1999 | 1269 | 1999 |
Calculation of the lattice constant of solids with semilocal functionals P Haas, F Tran, P Blaha Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (8), 085104, 2009 | 1166 | 2009 |
Merits and limits of the modified Becke-Johnson exchange potential D Koller, F Tran, P Blaha Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (19), 195134, 2011 | 1012 | 2011 |
Molecular and solid‐state tests of density functional approximations: LSD, GGAs, and meta‐GGAs S Kurth, JP Perdew, P Blaha International journal of quantum chemistry 75 (4‐5), 889-909, 1999 | 898 | 1999 |
Improving the modified Becke-Johnson exchange potential D Koller, F Tran, P Blaha Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (15), 155109, 2012 | 823 | 2012 |
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Lattice dynamics and hyperfine interactions in ZnO and ZnSe at high external pressures H Karzel, W Potzel, M Köfferlein, W Schiessl, M Steiner, U Hiller, ... Physical Review B 53 (17), 11425, 1996 | 739 | 1996 |
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Hybrid exchange-correlation energy functionals for strongly correlated electrons: Applications to transition-metal monoxides F Tran, P Blaha, K Schwarz, P Novák Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (15), 155108, 2006 | 488 | 2006 |
Applications of Engel and Vosko’s generalized gradient approximation in solids P Dufek, P Blaha, K Schwarz Physical Review B 50 (11), 7279, 1994 | 455 | 1994 |
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Performance on molecules, surfaces, and solids of the Wu-Cohen GGA exchange-correlation energy functional F Tran, R Laskowski, P Blaha, K Schwarz Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (11), 115131, 2007 | 420 | 2007 |