บทความที่มีข้อกำหนดการเข้าถึงสาธารณะ - Yanwei Xiongดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
มีให้ใช้งานในบางที่: 10
High current table-top setup for femtosecond gas electron diffraction
O Zandi, KJ Wilkin, Y Xiong, M Centurion
Structural Dynamics 4 (4), 2017
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy
High-resolution movies of molecular rotational dynamics captured with ultrafast electron diffraction
Y Xiong, KJ Wilkin, M Centurion
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043064, 2020
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Quantum state tomography of molecules by ultrafast diffraction
M Zhang, S Zhang, Y Xiong, H Zhang, AA Ischenko, O Vendrell, X Dong, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 5441, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Strong-field induced fragmentation and isomerization of toluene probed by ultrafast femtosecond electron diffraction and mass spectrometry
Y Xiong, K Borne, AM Carrascosa, SK Saha, KJ Wilkin, M Yang, ...
Faraday discussions 228, 39-59, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Monitoring the evolution of relative product populations at early times during a photochemical reaction
JP Figueira Nunes, LM Ibele, S Pathak, AR Attar, S Bhattacharyya, R Boll, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (6), 4134-4143, 2024
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, Australian Research …
Ultrafast electron diffraction from transiently aligned asymmetric top molecules: Rotational dynamics and structure retrieval
KJ Wilkin, Y Xiong, H Zhao, SB Muvva, SK Saha, M Centurion
Structural Dynamics 9 (5), 2022
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Retrieval of the molecular orientation distribution from atom-pair angular distributions
Y Xiong, KJ Wilkin, SK Saha, SB Muvva, H Zhao, M Centurion
Physical Review A 106 (3), 033109, 2022
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Isotope detection in molecules with ultrafast electron diffraction and rotational spectrometry
Y Xiong, H Zhao, SK Saha, SB Muvva, KJ Wilkin, M Centurion
Journal of Physics Communications 6 (5), 055006, 2022
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation
Diffractive imaging of a rotational wavepacket in nonlinear molecules
Y Xiong, K Wilkin, SK Saha, SB Muvva, H Zhao, M Centurion
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Ultrafast electron diffraction instrument for gas and condensed matter samples
Y Wang, SK Saha, T Li, Y Xiong, K Wilkin, A Adhikari, M Loes, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 94 (5), 2023
ข้อกำหนด: US National Science Foundation