Maciek Lubczynski
Maciek Lubczynski
Associate Professor of Water Resources Department, ITC Faculty of University Twente
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ utwente.nl
Remote sensing and GIS for mapping groundwater recharge and discharge areas in salinity prone catchments, southeastern Australia
SO Tweed, M Leblanc, JA Webb, MW Lubczynski
Hydrogeology Journal 15, 75-96, 2007
Integration of various data sources for transient groundwater modeling with spatio-temporally variable fluxes—Sardon study case, Spain
MW Lubczynski, J Gurwin
Journal of hydrology 306 (1-4), 71-96, 2005
Remote sensing applications to groundwater
AMJ Meijerink, D Bannert, O Batelaan, MW Lubczynski, T Pointet
Unesco, 2007
Surface–groundwater interactions in hard rocks in Sardon Catchment of western Spain: An integrated modeling approach
SMT Hassan, MW Lubczynski, RG Niswonger, Z Su
Journal of hydrology 517, 390-410, 2014
Hydrogeological interpretation and potential of the new magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) method
M Lubczynski, J Roy
Journal of Hydrology 283 (1-4), 19-40, 2003
Groundwater and unsaturated zone evaporation and transpiration in a semi-arid open woodland
E Balugani, MW Lubczynski, L Reyes-Acosta, C Van Der Tol, AP Francés, ...
Journal of hydrology 547, 54-66, 2017
Magnetic resonance sounding: New method for ground water assessment
M Lubczynski, J Roy
Groundwater 42 (2), 291-309, 2004
The magnetic resonance sounding technique and its use for groundwater investigations
J Roy, M Lubczynski
Hydrogeology Journal 11, 455-465, 2003
Rainfall interception by natural and planted forests in the Middle Mountains of Central Nepal
CP Ghimire, LA Bruijnzeel, MW Lubczynski, M Bonell
Journal of Hydrology 475, 270-280, 2012
Measuring soil surface water content in irrigated areas of southern Tunisia using full‐waveform inversion of proximal GPR data
S Lambot, E Slob, D Chavarro, M Lubczynski, H Vereecken
Near Surface Geophysics 6 (6), 403-410, 2008
The effects of sustained forest use on hillslope soil hydraulic conductivity in the Middle Mountains of Central Nepal
CP Ghimire, LA Bruijnzeel, M Bonell, N Coles, MW Lubczynski, ...
Ecohydrology 7 (2), 478-495, 2014
Interactions of artificial lakes with groundwater applying an integrated MODFLOW solution
A El-Zehairy, MW Lubczynski, J Gurwin
Hydrogeology Journal 26 (1), 109-132, 2018
Transpiration and canopy conductance of two contrasting forest types in the Lesser Himalaya of Central Nepal
CP Ghimire, MW Lubczynski, LA Bruijnzeel, D Chavarro-Rincón
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 197, 76-90, 2014
MRS contribution to hydrogeological system parametrization
M Lubczynski, J Roy
Near Surface Geophysics 3 (3), 131-139, 2005
Reforesting severely degraded grassland in the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal: Effects on soil hydraulic conductivity and overland flow production
CP Ghimire, M Bonell, LA Bruijnzeel, NA Coles, MW Lubczynski
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118 (4), 2528-2545, 2013
Negative trade-off between changes in vegetation water use and infiltration recovery after reforesting degraded pasture land in the Nepalese Lesser Himalaya
CP Ghimire, LA Bruijnzeel, MW Lubczynski, M Bonell
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (12), 4933-4949, 2014
Using ground penetrating radar to investigate the water table depth in weathered granites—Sardon case study, Spain
MR Mahmoudzadeh, AP Francés, M Lubczynski, S Lambot
Journal of Applied Geophysics 79, 17-26, 2012
Measurement and modeling of rainfall interception by two differently aged secondary forests in upland eastern Madagascar
CP Ghimire, LA Bruijnzeel, MW Lubczynski, M Ravelona, BW Zwartendijk, ...
Journal of Hydrology 545, 212-225, 2017
Groundwater evapotranspiration, underestimated component of the groundwater balance in a semi-arid environment, Serowe case, Botswana
MW Lubczynski
Balkema, Rotterdam, 199-204, 2000
Validation of satellite daily rainfall estimates in complex terrain of Bali Island, Indonesia
N Rahmawati, MW Lubczynski
Theoretical and applied climatology 134, 513-532, 2018
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