Armin Seyfried
Armin Seyfried
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ fz-juelich.de - หน้าแรก
Evacuation dynamics: Empirical results, modeling and applications
A Schadschneider, W Klingsch, H Klüpfel, T Kretz, C Rogsch, A Seyfried
arXiv preprint arXiv:0802.1620, 2008
The fundamental diagram of pedestrian movement revisited
A Seyfried, B Steffen, W Klingsch, M Boltes
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2005 (10), P10002, 2005
New insights into pedestrian flow through bottlenecks
A Seyfried, O Passon, B Steffen, M Boltes, T Rupprecht, W Klingsch
Transportation Science 43 (3), 395-406, 2009
Methods for measuring pedestrian density, flow, speed and direction with minimal scatter
B Steffen, A Seyfried
Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications 389 (9), 1902-1910, 2010
Generalized centrifugal-force model for pedestrian dynamics
M Chraibi, A Seyfried, A Schadschneider
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (4 …, 2010
Transitions in pedestrian fundamental diagrams of straight corridors and T-junctions
J Zhang, W Klingsch, A Schadschneider, A Seyfried
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (06), P06004, 2011
Ordering in bidirectional pedestrian flows and its influence on the fundamentaldiagram
J Zhang, W Klingsch, A Schadschneider, A Seyfried
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2012 (02), P02002, 2012
Comparison of pedestrian fundamental diagram across cultures
U Chattaraj, A Seyfried, P Chakroborty
Advances in complex systems 12 (03), 393-405, 2009
Collecting pedestrian trajectories
M Boltes, A Seyfried
Neurocomputing 100, 127-133, 2013
Basics of modelling the pedestrian flow
A Seyfried, B Steffen, T Lippert
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 368 (1), 232-238, 2006
Automatic extraction of pedestrian trajectories from video recordings
M Boltes, A Seyfried, B Steffen, A Schadschneider
Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics 2008, 43-54, 2010
Enhanced empirical data for the fundamental diagram and the flow through bottlenecks
A Seyfried, M Boltes, J Kähler, W Klingsch, A Portz, T Rupprecht, ...
Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics 2008, 145-156, 2010
Collective phenomena in crowds—Where pedestrian dynamics need social psychology
A Sieben, J Schumann, A Seyfried
PLoS one 12 (6), e0177328, 2017
Force-based models of pedestrian dynamics
M Chraibi, U Kemloh, A Schadschneider, A Seyfried
Networks and Heterogeneous Media 6 (3), 425-442, 2011
Fundamental diagrams for multidirectional pedestrian flows
S Cao, A Seyfried, J Zhang, S Holl, W Song
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017 (3), 033404, 2017
Modeling the dynamic route choice of pedestrians to assess the criticality of building evacuation
AU KEMLOH WAGOUM, A Seyfried, S Holl
Advances in Complex Systems 15 (07), 1250029, 2012
Performance of stairs–fundamental diagram and topographical measurements
S Burghardt, A Seyfried, W Klingsch
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 37, 268-278, 2013
Empirical results for pedestrian dynamics and their implications for modeling
A Schadschneider, A Seyfried
Networks and Heterogeneous media 6 (3), 545-560, 2011
Comparison of intersecting pedestrian flows based on experiments
J Zhang, A Seyfried
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 405, 316-325, 2014
Disentangling the impact of social groups on response times and movement dynamics in evacuations
NWF Bode, S Holl, W Mehner, A Seyfried
PloS one 10 (3), e0121227, 2015
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