Human-induced sediment degradation of Burullus lagoon, Nile Delta, Egypt: Heavy metals pollution status and potential ecological risk SA Shetaia, AMA Khatita, NA Abdelhafez, IM Shaker, SB El Kafrawy Marine Pollution Bulletin 178, 113566, 2022 | 40 | 2022 |
Assessment of soil and sediment contamination in the Middle Nile Delta area (Egypt)-Geo-Environmental study using combined sedimentological, geophysical and geochemical methods AMA Khatita PQDT-Global, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
Evaluation of potential health risk, heavy metal pollution indices and water quality of Edku Lagoon-Egypt S A Shetaia, A M Abu Khatita, N A Abdelhafez, I M Shaker, S B El Kafrawy Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 24 (2), 265-290, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
Sources identification and contamination assessment of heavy metals in soil of Middle Nile Delta, Egypt AM Abu Khatita, R Koch, AO Bamousa Journal of Taibah University for Science 14 (1), 750-761, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Environmental geochemistry and fractionation of cadmium metal in surficial bottom sediments and water of the Nile River, Egypt Z El-Saadani, W Mingqi, Z He, SL Hamukwaya, MSM Abdel Wahed, ... Toxics 10 (5), 221, 2022 | 21 | 2022 |
Environmental assessment of radioactivity levels and radiation hazards in soil at North Western-Mediterranean Sea coast, Egypt MHE Monged, AM Abu Khatita, ST El-Hemamy, HS Sabet, MAE Al-Azhary Environmental Earth Sciences 79 (16), 386, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Geo-environmental evaluation of Wadi El Raiyan Lakes, Egypt, using remote sensing and trace element techniques HS Abu Salem, A Abu Khatita, MM Abdeen, EA Mohamed, AM El Kammar Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10, 1-24, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Suitability of magnetic proxies to reflect complex anthropogenic spatial and historical soil heavy metal pollution in the southeast Nile delta AM Guda, IA El-Hemaly, EMA Aal, H Odah, E Appel, AM El Kammar, ... Catena 191, 104552, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Water quality assessment and potential health risk of Manzala Lake-Egypt AMA Khatita, IM Shaker, SA Shetaia Al Azhar Bulletin of Science 9, 119-136, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Anthropogenic particle dispersions in topsoils of the Middle Nile Delta: a preliminary study on the contamination around industrial and commercial areas in Egypt AM Abu Khatita, H de Wall, R Koch Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-19, 2016 | 15 | 2016 |
Geochemical speciation, ecological risk and assessment of main sources of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in stream sediments from Nile River in Egypt M Ambrosino, Z El-Saadani, AA Khatita, W Mingqi, J Palarea-Albaladejo, ... Water 15 (13), 2308, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Distribution and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in the sediment cores from Manzala lagoon, Egypt AMA Khatita, IM Shaker, MK El Zawahry, SA Shetaia International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology 3 …, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Urabanization and human activities around Manzala Lake, Egypt: studies on heavy metals distribution and environmental impacts AM Abu Khatita, IM Shaker, SA Shetaia Sedimentology of Egypt 22, 69-83, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in street dust from Mahd Ad Dhahab gold mine, Saudi Arabia AM Abu Khatita Journal of Taibah University for Science 18 (1), 2281067, 2024 | 7 | 2024 |
Monitoring shoreline changes in the northern Suez Canal Zone using remote sensing and GIS applications IAS A Mohsen, MH Bekiet, M AbuBakr, AM Abu Khatita Bulletin of Faculty of Science, Zagazig University 2023 (2), 134-146, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Integrated geochemical and magnetic potentially toxic elements assessment: a statistical solution discriminating anthropogenic and lithogenic magnetic signals in a complex area … AM Guda, AM El Kammar, HS Abu Salem, AM Abu Khatita, MA Mohamed, ... Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196 (3), 272, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Anthropogenic impact on sediments of Edku lagoon, Egypt: ecological indices and magnetic susceptibility based-evidence S Shetaia, A Abu Khatita, N Abdelhafez, I Shaker, S El Kafrawy Ann. Geol. Surv. Egypt 37, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Physico-Chemical Parameters and potential health risk of Heavy Metal of Manzala lagoon Water, Egypt AMA Khatita, IM Shake, SA Shetaia IN THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS IN BASIC AND …, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Using hydrogeochemical and geographic information system methods as an environmental approach for evaluating of coastal aquifers in west northern coast of Egypt MAE Elazhary, HS Sabet, AM Abu Khatita, AF Shehata, ST El-Hemamy Egyptian Journal of Geology 67 (1), 95-110, 2023 | | 2023 |
ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT SA Shetaia, AMA Khatita, NA Abdelhafez, IM Shaker, SB El Kafrawy | | |