Rudy Soenoko
Rudy Soenoko
Profesor Mekatronika, Universitas Brawijaya
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ ub.ac.id
Morphology, Structure, and Mechanical Properties of Natural Cellulose Fiber from Mendong Grass (Fimbristylis globulosa)
H Suryanto, E Marsyahyo, YS Irawan, R Soenoko
Journal of Natural Fibers 11 (4), 333-351, 2014
Effect of Alkali Treatment on Crystalline Structure of Cellulose Fiber from Mendong (Fimbristylis globulosa) Straw
H Suryanto, E Marsyahyo, YS Irawan, R Soenoko
Key Engineering Materials 594, 720-724, 2014
Pengaruh perlakuan alkali (NaOH) terhadap morfologi dan kekuatan tarik serat mendong
K Witono, YS Irawan, R Soenoko, H Suryanto
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Universitas Brawijaya 4 (3), 128721, 2013
The influence of chemical treatments on cantala fiber properties and interfacial bonding of cantala fiber/recycled high density polyethylene (rHDPE)
WW Raharjo, R Soenoko, YS Irawan, A Suprapto
Journal of Natural Fibers 15 (1), 98-111, 2018
Strategi Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Industri Pariwisata dengan Menggunakan Metode SWOT dan QSPM (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon)
RA de FRETES, PB Santoso, R Soenoko, M Astuti
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Universitas Brawijaya 4 (2), 127543, 2013
Komposit hibrid polyester berpenguat serbuk batang dan serat sabut kelapa
RCA Lumintang, R Soenoko, S Wahyudi
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Universitas Brawijaya 2 (2), 128554, 2011
Bee Wax Propolis Extract as Eco‐Friendly Corrosion Inhibitors for 304SS in Sulfuric Acid
F Gapsari, R Soenoko, A Suprapto, W Suprapto
International Journal of Corrosion 2015 (1), 567202, 2015
Minimasi waste untuk perbaikan proses produksi kantong kemasan dengan pendekatan Lean Manufacturing
DT Setiyawan, S Soeparman, R Soenoko
JEMIS (Journal of Engineering & Management in Industrial System) 1 (1), 2013
Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) produksi maltosa dengan pendekatan good manufacturing practice (GMP)
M Hermansyah, P Pratikto, R Soenoko, NW Setyanto
JEMIS (Journal of Engineering & Management in Industrial System) 1 (1), 2013
Fluid flow phenomenon in a three-bladed power-generating Archimedes screw turbine
T Saroinsong, R Soenoko, S Wahyudi, MN Sasongko
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 9 (2), 72-79, 2016
Pengaruh Jumlah Sudu Terhadap Optimalisasi Kinerja Turbin Kinetik Roda Tunggal
R Pietersz, R Soenoko, S Wahyudi
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Universitas Brawijaya 4 (3), 127938, 2013
Angled and Curved Blades of Deep-Water Wheel Efficiency
L Sule, ING Wardana, R Soenoko, S Wahyudi
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 8 (6), 186-192, 2014
Investigation of Artocarpus Heteropyllus peel extract as non-toxic corrosion inhibitor for pure copper protection in nitric acid
I Kusumaningrum, R Soenoko, E Siswanto, F Gapsari
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 6, 100223, 2022
The cross flow turbine behavior towards the turbine rotation quality, efficiency, and generated power
J Haurissa, S Wahyudi, YS Irawan, R Soenoko
Journal of Applied Sciences Research 8 (1), 448-453, 2012
Characterization of sodium-bicarbonate-treated Zalacca fibers as composite reinforcements
PW Raharjo, R Soenoko, A Purnowidodo, A Choiron
Green Asia Education Center 6 (1), 29-38, 2019
Improvement of Interfacial Shear Strength of Mendong Fiber (Fimbristylis globulosa) Reinforced Epoxy Composite Using the AC Electric Fields
H Suryanto, E Marsyahyo, Y Surya Irawan, R Soenoko, Aminudin
International Journal of Polymer Science 2015 (1), 542376, 2015
The effects of sodium hydroxide and potassium permanganate treatment on roughness of coconut fiber surface
M Arsyad, R Soenoko
MATEC Web of Conferences 204, 05004, 2018
Pengaruh persentase alkali pada serat pangkal pelepah daun pinang (Areca Catechu) terhadap sifat mekanis komposit polimer
AD Betan, R Soenoko, A As
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Universitas Brawijaya 5 (2), 128780, 2014
Usulan penerapan metode six sigma untuk meningkatkan kualitas klongsong (Studi kasus industri senjata)
G Pakki, R Soenoko, PB Santoso
JEMIS (Journal of Engineering & Management in Industrial System) 2 (1), 2014
The effect of fumigation treatment towards agave cantala Roxb fibre strength and morphology
MB Palungan, R Soenoko, YS Irawan, A Purnowidodo
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 12 (5), 1399-1414, 2017
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