B. I. Min (BYUNG IL MIN) 민병일
B. I. Min (BYUNG IL MIN) 민병일
ชื่ออื่นๆBYUNG IL MIN, 민 병일
Professor of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ postech.ac.kr - หน้าแรก
Large anomalous Hall current induced by topological nodal lines in a ferromagnetic van der Waals semimetal
K Kim, J Seo, E Lee, KT Ko, BS Kim, BG Jang, JM Ok, J Lee, YJ Jo, ...
Nature materials 17 (9), 794-799, 2018
Experimental Realization of Type-II Dirac Fermions in a Superconductor
HJ Noh, J Jeong, EJ Cho, K Kim, BI Min, BG Park
Physical review letters 119 (1), 016401, 2017
Nearly room temperature ferromagnetism in a magnetic metal-rich van der Waals metal
J Seo, DY Kim, ES An, K Kim, GY Kim, SY Hwang, DW Kim, BG Jang, ...
Science advances 6 (3), eaay8912, 2020
Ferromagnetism in ZnO codoped with transition metals: Zn 1− x (FeCo) x O and Zn 1− x (FeCu) x O
MS Park, BI Min
Physical Review B 68 (22), 224436, 2003
Electronic structures of doped anatase TiO 2: Ti 1− x M x O 2 (M= Co, Mn, Fe, Ni)
MS Park, SK Kwon, BI Min
Physical Review B 65 (16), 161201, 2002
Charge-Orbital Density Wave and Superconductivity in the Strong Spin-Orbit Coupled
JJ Yang, YJ Choi, YS Oh, A Hogan, Y Horibe, K Kim, BI Min, SW Cheong
Physical review letters 108 (11), 116402, 2012
Spatial Chemical Inhomogeneity and Local Electronic Structure<? format?> of Mn-Doped Ge Ferromagnetic Semiconductors
JS Kang, G Kim, SC Wi, SS Lee, S Choi, S Cho, SW Han, KH Kim, ...
Physical review letters 94 (14), 147202, 2005
Persistent Charge-Density-Wave Order in Single-Layer TaSe2
H Ryu, Y Chen, H Kim, HZ Tsai, S Tang, J Jiang, F Liou, S Kahn, C Jia, ...
Nano letters 18 (2), 689-694, 2018
Electronic structure of Zn{1-x}CoxO using photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy
SC Wi, JS Kang, JH Kim, SB Cho, BJ Kim, S Yoon, BJ Suh, SW Han, ...
Applied Physics Letters 84 (21), 4233, 2004
Electronic structure of Ni-based superconducting quaternary compounds: YNi 2 B 2 X (X= B, C, N, and O)
JI Lee, TS Zhao, IG Kim, BI Min, SJ Youn
Physical Review B 50 (6), 4030, 1994
Effects of the spin-orbit interaction in Heusler compounds: Electronic structures and Fermi surfaces of NiMnSb and PtMnSb
SJ Youn, BI Min
Physical Review B 51 (16), 10436, 1995
Polaron transport and lattice dynamics in colossal-magnetoresistance manganites
JD Lee, BI Min
Physical Review B 55 (18), 12454, 1997
Electronic structures of antiperovskite superconductors C, and N)
JH Shim, SK Kwon, BI Min
Physical Review B 64 (18), 180510, 2001
Correlation-assisted phonon softening and the orbital-selective Peierls transition in VO
S Kim, K Kim, CJ Kang, BI Min
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (19), 195106, 2013
Half-metallic antiferromagnetic double perovskites: La A VRuO 6 (A= Ca, Sr, and Ba)
JH Park, SK Kwon, BI Min
Physical Review B 65 (17), 174401, 2002
Interface phenomena at semiconductor heterojunctions: Local-density valence-band offset in GaAs/AlAs
S Massidda, BI Min, AJ Freeman
Physical Review B 35 (18), 9871, 1987
Magnetic Couplings, Optical Spectra, and Spin-Orbit Exciton in Electron <?format ?>Mott Insulator
BH Kim, G Khaliullin, BI Min
Physical Review Letters 109 (16), 167205, 2012
Half-metallic electronic structures of giant magnetoresistive spinels: Fe 1− x Cu x Cr 2 S 4 (x= 0.0, 0.5, 1.0)
MS Park, SK Kwon, SJ Youn, BI Min
Physical Review B 59 (15), 10018, 1999
Pressure-induced electronic and structural phase transitions in solid hydrogen
BI Min, HJF Jansen, AJ Freeman
Physical Review B 33 (9), 6383, 1986
Soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy and magnetic circular dichroism study of the valence and spin states in spinel
JS Kang, G Kim, HJ Lee, DH Kim, HS Kim, JH Shim, S Lee, H Lee, JY Kim, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (3), 035121, 2008
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