A general framework for tracking and analysing learning processes in computer‐supported collaborative learning environments F Pozzi, S Manca, D Persico, L Sarti Innovations in Education and Teaching International 44 (2), 169-179, 2007 | 169 | 2007 |
Monitoring collaborative activities in computer supported collaborative learning D Persico, F Pozzi, L Sarti Distance Education 31 (1), 5-22, 2010 | 107 | 2010 |
Design and production of multimedia and simulation-based learning material T De Jong, L Sarti Kluwer, 1994 | 63 | 1994 |
Educational big data mining: how to enhance virtual learning environments P Ducange, R Pecori, L Sarti, M Vecchio International Joint Conference SOCO’16-CISIS’16-ICEUTE’16: San Sebastián …, 2017 | 42 | 2017 |
Design patterns for monitoring and evaluating CSCL processes D Persico, F Pozzi, L Sarti Computers in Human Behavior 25 (5), 1020-1027, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
Comunità virtuali per l'apprendimento e nuove tecnologie S Manca, L Sarti Italian Journal of Educational Technology 10 (1), 11-11, 2002 | 40 | 2002 |
Valutazione della qualità nella formazione in rete S Bocconi, V Midoro, L Sarti Italian Journal of Educational Technology 7 (1), 24-24, 1999 | 34 | 1999 |
Design of Collaborative Learning Environments: bridging the gap between CSCL theories and Open Source Platforms A Calvani, A Fini, M Pettenati, L Sarti, M Masseti Journal of E-learning and Knowledge Society 2 (1), 61-74, 2006 | 28 | 2006 |
Online learning: Attitudes, expectations and prejudices of adult novices M Delfino, S Manca, D Persico, L Sarti Proceedings of the IASTED Web Based Education Conference, 31-36, 2004 | 28 | 2004 |
Children’s playful learning with a robotic construction kit A Chioccariello, S Manca, L Sarti Developing New Technologies for young children, 93-112, 2004 | 22 | 2004 |
Learning objects e costruttivismo S Alvino, L Sarti Atti Didamatica, 761-772, 2004 | 22 | 2004 |
EuMedea: A European Online Course to Train European Teachers in Environmental Education. V Midoro, R Briano, D Persico, L Sarti, G Trentin Teleteaching 98, 8-4, 1998 | 22 | 1998 |
An experiment in introducing the basic concepts of informatics G Olimpo, D Persico, L Sarti, M Tavella Proceedings WCCE'85, 1985 | 21 | 1985 |
A general and flexible model for the pedagogical description of learning objects S Alvino, P Forcheri, MG Ierardi, L Sarti IFIP World Computer Congress, TC 3, 55-62, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
A model for monitoring and evaluating CSCL D Persico, F Pozzi, L Sarti Monitoring and assessment in online collaborative environments: Emergent …, 2010 | 18 | 2010 |
Fostering collaboration in CSCL D Persico, F Pozzi, L Sarti Encyclopedia of information communication technology, 335-340, 2009 | 18 | 2009 |
On the concept of database of multimedia learning material G Olimpo, D Persico, L Sarti, M Tavella Proceedings of World Conference on Computers and Education, Amsterdam …, 1990 | 17 | 1990 |
Sharing digital resources in teacher education: an ontology-based approach S Alvino, S Bocconi, P Boytchev, J Earp, L Sarti Demetra EOOD, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |
Describing learning features of reusable resources: a proposal S Alvino, P Forcheri, M Ierardi, L Sarti Int. Journal of Social Science 2 (3), 156-162, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |
Social structures for online learning: a design perspective D Persico, L Sarti Methods and Technologies for Learning 34, 51, 2005 | 14 | 2005 |