Massimo Arattano
Massimo Arattano
Primo ricercatore, IRPI, CNR
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ irpi.cnr.it
Ten years of debris-flow monitoring in the Moscardo Torrent (Italian Alps)
L Marchi, M Arattano, AM Deganutti
Geomorphology 46 (1-2), 1-17, 2002
Direct determination of rheological characteristics of debris flow
P Coussot, D Laigle, M Arattano, A Deganutti, L Marchi
Journal of hydraulic engineering 124 (8), 865-868, 1998
Systems and sensors for debris-flow monitoring and warning
M Arattano, L Marchi
Sensors 8 (4), 2436-2452, 2008
A new monitoring station for debris flows in the European Alps: first observations in the Gadria basin
F Comiti, L Marchi, P Macconi, M Arattano, G Bertoldi, M Borga, ...
Natural hazards 73, 1175-1198, 2014
Microseismic activity analysis for the study of the rupture mechanisms in unstable rock masses
D Amitrano, M Arattano, M Chiarle, G Mortara, C Occhiena, M Pirulli, ...
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 10 (4), 831-841, 2010
Measurements of debris flow velocity through cross-correlation of instrumentation data
M Arattano, L Marchi
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 5 (1), 137-142, 2005
On the use of seismic detectors as monitoring and warning systems for debris flows
M Arattano
Natural Hazards 20 (2), 197-213, 1999
Sediment transfer processes in two Alpine catchments of contrasting morphological settings
L Mao, M Cavalli, F Comiti, L Marchi, MA Lenzi, M Arattano
Journal of Hydrology 364 (1-2), 88-98, 2009
Rainfall and debris-flow occurrence in the Moscardo basin (Italian Alps)
AM Deganutti, L Marchi, M Arattano
Proceedings, second international conference on debris-flow hazard …, 2000
Estimating rates of debris flow entrainment from ground vibrations
JW Kean, JA Coe, V Coviello, JB Smith, SW McCoy, M Arattano
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (15), 6365-6372, 2015
Debris flow monitoring activities in an instrumented watershed on the Italian Alps
M Arattano, AM Deganutti, L Marchi
Debris-flow hazards mitigation: Mechanics, prediction, and assessment, 506-515, 1997
On the evaluation of debris flows dynamics by means of mathematical models
M Arattano, L Franzi
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3 (6), 539-544, 2003
Seismic characterization of debris flows: Insights into energy radiation and implications for warning
V Coviello, M Arattano, F Comiti, P Macconi, L Marchi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 124 (6), 1440-1463, 2019
Monitoring the propagation of a debris flow along a torrent
M Arattano, F Moia
Hydrological Sciences Journal 44 (5), 811-823, 1999
Modelling debris flows as kinematic waves.
M Arattano, W Savage
Bulletin of Engineering Geology & the Environment 49 (1), 1994
Analysis of debris-flow recordings in an instrumented basin: confirmations and new findings
M Arattano, L Marchi, M Cavalli
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (3), 679-686, 2012
The use of the automatic inclinometric system for landslide early warning: the case of Cabella Ligure (North-Western Italy)
G Lollino, M Arattano, M Cuccureddu
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 27 (36), 1545-1550, 2002
Time response of a landslide to meteorological events
G Lollino, M Arattano, P Allasia, D Giordan
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 6 (2), 179-184, 2006
Video-derived velocity disribution along a debris flow surge
M Arattano, L Marchi
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere …, 2000
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 7: Education, Professional Ethics and Public Recognition of Engineering Geology
G Lollino, M Arattano, M Giardino, R Oliveira, S Peppoloni
Springer, 2014
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