Filipe Faria da Silva
Filipe Faria da Silva
Associate Professor in Energy Technology, Aalborg University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ et.aau.dk - หน้าแรก
Harmonic stability assessment for multiparalleled, grid-connected inverters
C Yoon, H Bai, RN Beres, X Wang, CL Bak, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (4), 1388-1397, 2016
Electromagnetic transients in power cables
FF Da Silva, CL Bak
Springer, 2013
A performance comparison between extended Kalman Filter and unscented Kalman Filter in power system dynamic state estimation
H Khazraj, FF Da Silva, CL Bak
2016 51st international universities power engineering conference (UPEC), 1-6, 2016
Power System Technical Performance Issues Related to the Application of Long HVAC Cables
CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems), 2013
Adaptive tuning of frequency thresholds using voltage drop data in decentralized load shedding
B Hoseinzadeh, FMF Da Silva, CL Bak
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (4), 2055-2062, 2014
Conductor temperature estimation and prediction at thermal transient state in dynamic line rating application
DL Alvarez, FF da Silva, EE Mombello, CL Bak, JA Rosero
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (5), 2236-2245, 2018
The need or enhanced power system modelling techniques and simulation tools
B Badrzadeh, Z Emin, E Hillberg, D Jacobson, L Kocewiak, G Lietz, ...
CIGRE Science & Engineering 17 (Febr), 30-46, 2020
Analysis and design of notch filter-based PLLs for grid-connected applications
H Khazraj, FF da Silva, CL Bak, S Golestan
Electric Power Systems Research 147, 62-69, 2017
100% sustainable electricity in the Faroe Islands: Expansion planning through economic optimization
HM Tróndheim, BA Niclasen, T Nielsen, FF Da Silva, CL Bak
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy 8, 23-34, 2021
Methods to minimize zero-missing phenomenon
FF da Silva, CL Bak, US Gudmundsdottir, W Wiechowski, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25 (4), 2923-2930, 2010
Analysis and simulation of electromagnetic transients in HVAC cable transmission grids
FMF Da Silva
Decentralized coordination of load shedding and plant protection considering high share of RESs
B Hoseinzadeh, FF da Silva, CL Bak
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (5), 3607-3615, 2015
Offshore wind farm black start service integration: Review and outlook of ongoing research
D Pagnani, F Blaabjerg, CL Bak, FM Faria da Silva, ŁH Kocewiak, ...
Energies 13 (23), 6286, 2020
Double-layer stochastic model predictive voltage control in active distribution networks with high penetration of renewables
Z Zhang, FF da Silva, Y Guo, CL Bak, Z Chen
Applied Energy 302, 117530, 2021
High voltage AC underground cable systems for power transmission–A review of the Danish experience, part 1
CL Bak, FF da Silva
Electric Power Systems Research 140, 984-994, 2016
An initial topology of multi-terminal HVDC transmission system in Europe: A case study of the North-Sea region
R Irnawan, FF da Silva, CL Bak, TC Bregnhøj
2016 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 1-6, 2016
A current-based differential technique to detect loss of field in synchronous generators
A Hasani, F Haghjoo, FMF Da Silva, CL Bak
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 35 (2), 514-522, 2019
Use of a pre-insertion resistor to minimize zero-missing phenomenon and switching overvoltages
FF Da Silva, CL Bak, US Guomundsdottir, W Wiechowski, ...
2009 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-7, 2009
Application of short‐time Fourier transform for harmonic‐based protection of meshed VSC‐MTDC grids
M Ashouri, FFD Silva, CL Bak
The Journal of Engineering 2019 (16), 1439-1443, 2019
Synchronous generator loss of field protection: A real-time realistic framework and assessment of some recently proposed methods
A Hasani, F Haghjoo, FF Da Silva, CL Bak
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 34 (3), 971-979, 2019
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