Hanke Korpershoek
Hanke Korpershoek
Associate Professor
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ rug.nl - หน้าแรก
A meta-analysis of the effects of classroom management strategies and classroom management programs on students’ academic, behavioral, emotional, and motivational outcomes
H Korpershoek, T Harms, H de Boer, M van Kuijk, S Doolaard
Review of educational research 86 (3), 643-680, 2016
The relationships between school belonging and students’ motivational, social-emotional, behavioural, and academic outcomes in secondary education: A meta-analytic review
H Korpershoek, ET Canrinus, M Fokkens-Bruinsma, H De Boer
Research papers in education 35 (6), 641-680, 2020
Effective strategies for self-regulated learning:: A meta-analysis
H de Boer, A Bergstra, D Kostons
Groningen: GION onderzoek/onderwijs, 2012
Teachers’ occupational attributes and their psychological wellbeing, job satisfaction, occupational self-concept and quitting intentions
DM McInerney, H Korpershoek, H Wang, AJS Morin
Teaching and Teacher Education 71, 145-158, 2018
Effective classroom management strategies and classroom management programs for educational practice
H Korpershoek, T Harms, H de Boer, M van Kuijk, S Doolaard
Journal of Educations, 2014
The relation between students' math and reading ability and their mathematics, physics, and chemistry examination grades in secondary education
H Korpershoek, H Kuyper, G van der Werf
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 13 (5), 1013-1037, 2015
Effective classroom management strategies and classroom management programs for educational practice: A meta-analysis of the effects of classroom management strategies and …
H Korpershoek, T Harms, H De Boer, M van Kuijk, S Doolaard
RUG/GION, 2014
Differences in students’ school motivation: A latent class modelling approach
H Korpershoek, H Kuyper, G van der Werf
Social Psychology of Education 18, 137-163, 2015
Benefits of personality characteristics and self‐efficacy in the perceived academic achievement of medical students
S Guntern, H Korpershoek, G Van der Werf
Educational Psychology 37 (6), 733-744, 2017
Who succeeds in advanced mathematics and science courses?
H Korpershoek, H Kuyper, G van der Werf, R Bosker
British Educational Research Journal 37 (3), 357-380, 2011
Relationships among motivation, commitment, cognitive capacities, and academic achievement in secondary education
H Korpershoek
Frontline Learning Research 4 (3), 28-43, 2016
Students leaving the STEM pipeline: An investigation of their attitudes and the influence of significant others on their study choice
H Korpershoek, H Kuyper, R Bosker, G van der Werf
Research Papers in Education 28 (4), 483-505, 2013
Who ‘fits’ the science and technology profile? Personality differences in secondary education
H Korpershoek, H Kuyper, G van der Werf, R Bosker
Journal of research in Personality 44 (5), 649-654, 2010
Gender and cultural differences in school motivation
H Korpershoek, RB King, DM McInerney, RN Nasser, FA Ganotice, ...
Research Papers in Education 36 (1), 27-51, 2021
Overgangen en aansluitingen in het onderwijs. Deelrapportage 1: reviewstudie naar de po-vo en de vmbo-mbo overgang.
MC Korpershoek, H., Beijer, C., Spithoff, M., Naayer, H.M., Timmermans, A.C ...
GION Onderwijs/Onderzoek, 2016
De overgang van het basis-naar het voortgezet onderwijs en de verdere schoolloopbaan
M van Rooijen, H Korpershoek, J Vugteveen, MC Opdenakker
Students’ preconceptions and perceptions of science-oriented studies
H Korpershoek, H Kuyper, R Bosker, G van der Werf
International Journal of Science Education 35 (14), 2356-2375, 2013
The role of personality in relation to gender differences in school subject choices in pre-university education
H Korpershoek, H Kuyper, MPC Van der Werf
Sex roles 67, 630-645, 2012
Effects of the design of written music on the readability for children with dyslexia
N Flach, A Timmermans, H Korpershoek
International Journal of Music Education 34 (2), 234-246, 2016
De overgang van primair naar voortgezet onderwijs in internationaal perspectief. Een systematische overzichtsstudie van onderwijstransities in relatie tot kenmerken van …
MC Naayer, H.M., Spithoff, M., Osinga, M., Klitzing, N., Korpershoek, H ...
GION Onderwijs/Onderzoek, 2016
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