Stéphane Roux
Stéphane Roux
Professeur, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ univ-fcomte.fr
Hybrid gadolinium oxide nanoparticles: multimodal contrast agents for in vivo imaging
JL Bridot, AC Faure, S Laurent, C Riviere, C Billotey, B Hiba, M Janier, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (16), 5076-5084, 2007
Gadolinium chelate coated gold nanoparticles as contrast agents for both X-ray computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
C Alric, J Taleb, G Le Duc, C Mandon, C Billotey, A Le Meur-Herland, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (18), 5908-5915, 2008
Iron oxide monocrystalline nanoflowers for highly efficient magnetic hyperthermia
P Hugounenq, M Levy, D Alloyeau, L Lartigue, E Dubois, V Cabuil, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (29), 15702-15712, 2012
Design of gold nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging
PJ Debouttière, S Roux, F Vocanson, C Billotey, O Beuf, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 16 (18), 2330-2339, 2006
Toward an image-guided microbeam radiation therapy using gadolinium-based nanoparticles
G Le Duc, I Miladi, C Alric, P Mowat, E Bräuer-Krisch, A Bouchet, ...
ACS nano 5 (12), 9566-9574, 2011
The use of theranostic gadolinium-based nanoprobes to improve radiotherapy efficacy
L Sancey, F Lux, S Kotb, S Roux, S Dufort, A Bianchi, Y Cremillieux, ...
The British journal of radiology 87 (1041), 20140134, 2014
Nanosized hybrid particles with double luminescence for biological labeling
C Louis, R Bazzi, CA Marquette, JL Bridot, S Roux, G Ledoux, B Mercier, ...
Chemistry of Materials 17 (7), 1673-1682, 2005
Ultrasmall rigid particles as multimodal probes for medical applications
F Lux, A Mignot, P Mowat, C Louis, S Dufort, C Bernhard, F Denat, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50 (51), 12299-12303, 2011
Synthesis, characterization of dihydrolipoic acid capped gold nanoparticles, and functionalization by the electroluminescent luminol
S Roux, B Garcia, JL Bridot, M Salomé, C Marquette, L Lemelle, P Gillet, ...
Langmuir 21 (6), 2526-2536, 2005
AGuIX® from bench to bedside—Transfer of an ultrasmall theranostic gadolinium-based nanoparticle to clinical medicine
F Lux, VL Tran, E Thomas, S Dufort, F Rossetti, M Martini, C Truillet, ...
The British journal of radiology 92 (1093), 20180365, 2019
The biodistribution of gold nanoparticles designed for renal clearance
C Alric, I Miladi, D Kryza, J Taleb, F Lux, R Bazzi, C Billotey, M Janier, ...
Nanoscale 5 (13), 5930-5939, 2013
A Top‐Down synthesis route to ultrasmall multifunctional Gd‐Based silica nanoparticles for theranostic applications
A Mignot, C Truillet, F Lux, L Sancey, C Louis, F Denat, F Boschetti, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 19 (19), 6122-6136, 2013
Control of the in vivo biodistribution of hybrid nanoparticles with different poly (ethylene glycol) coatings
AC Faure, S Dufort, V Josserand, P Perriat, JL Coll, S Roux, O Tillement
Small 5 (22), 2565-2575, 2009
Trimodal gadolinium-gold microcapsules containing pancreatic islet cells restore normoglycemia in diabetic mice and can be tracked by using US, CT, and positive-contrast MR imaging
DR Arifin, CM Long, AA Gilad, C Alric, S Roux, O Tillement, TW Link, ...
Radiology 260 (3), 790-798, 2011
The in vivo radiosensitizing effect of gold nanoparticles based MRI contrast agents
I Miladi, C Alric, S Dufort, P Mowat, A Dutour, C Mandon, G Laurent, ...
Small 10 (6), 1116-1124, 2014
Preparing nanometer scaled Tb-doped Y2O3 luminescent powders by the polyol method
MA Flores-Gonzalez, G Ledoux, S Roux, K Lebbou, P Perriat, O Tillement
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 178 (4), 989-997, 2005
Gadolinium-based nanoparticles for theranostic MRI-radiosensitization
F Lux, L Sancey, A Bianchi, Y Crémillieux, S Roux, O Tillement
Nanomedicine 10 (11), 1801-1815, 2015
Advantages of gadolinium based ultrasmall nanoparticles vs molecular gadolinium chelates for radiotherapy guided by MRI for glioma treatment
G Le Duc, S Roux, A Paruta-Tuarez, S Dufort, E Brauer, A Marais, ...
Cancer nanotechnology 5, 1-14, 2014
Biodistribution study of nanometric hybrid gadolinium oxide particles as a multimodal SPECT/MR/optical imaging and theragnostic agent
D Kryza, J Taleb, M Janier, L Marmuse, I Miladi, P Bonazza, C Louis, ...
Bioconjugate chemistry 22 (6), 1145-1152, 2011
Internalization pathways into cancer cells of gadolinium-based radiosensitizing nanoparticles
W Rima, L Sancey, MT Aloy, E Armandy, GB Alcantara, T Epicier, ...
Biomaterials 34 (1), 181-195, 2013
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