Chung K. Law
Chung K. Law
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ princeton.edu
Combustion physics
CK Law
Cambridge university press, 2010
Recent advances in droplet vaporization and combustion
CK Law
Progress in energy and combustion science 8 (3), 171-201, 1982
A directed relation graph method for mechanism reduction
T Lu, CK Law
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 1333-1341, 2005
Hierarchical and comparative kinetic modeling of laminar flame speeds of hydrocarbon and oxygenated fuels
E Ranzi, A Frassoldati, R Grana, A Cuoci, T Faravelli, AP Kelley, CK Law
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 38 (4), 468-501, 2012
Regimes of coalescence and separation in droplet collision
J Qian, CK Law
Journal of fluid mechanics 331, 59-80, 1997
Toward accommodating realistic fuel chemistry in large-scale computations
T Lu, CK Law
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 35 (2), 192-215, 2009
Laminar flame speeds of hydrocarbon+ air mixtures with hydrogen addition
G Yu, CK Law, CK Wu
Combustion and flame 63 (3), 339-347, 1986
Structure, aerodynamics, and geometry of premixed flamelets
CK Law, CJ Sung
Progress in energy and combustion science 26 (4-6), 459-505, 2000
Dynamics of stretched flames
CK Law
Symposium (international) on combustion 22 (1), 1381-1402, 1989
Nonlinear effects in the extraction of laminar flame speeds from expanding spherical flames
AP Kelley, CK Law
Combustion and Flame 156 (9), 1844-1851, 2009
High-temperature combustion reaction model of H2
H Wang, X You, AV Joshi, SG Davis, A Laskin, F Egolfopoulos, CK Law, ...
High-temperature Combustion Reaction Model of H 2, 2007
Advances and challenges in laminar flame experiments and implications for combustion chemistry
FN Egolfopoulos, N Hansen, Y Ju, K Kohse-Höinghaus, CK Law, F Qi
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 43, 36-67, 2014
Determination of and Fuel Structure Effects on Laminar Flame Speeds of C1 to C8 Hydrocarbons
SG Davis, CK Law
Combustion Science and Technology 140 (1-6), 427-449, 1998
Further considerations on the determination of laminar flame speeds with the counterflow twin-flame technique
CM Vagelopoulos, FN Egolfopoulos, CK Law
Symposium (international) on combustion 25 (1), 1341-1347, 1994
An experimental investigation on the collision behaviour of hydrocarbon droplets
YJ Jiang, A Umemura, CK Law
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 234, 171-190, 1992
Morphology and burning rates of expanding spherical flames in H2/O2/inert mixtures up to 60 atmospheres
SD Tse, DL Zhu, CK Law
Proceedings of the combustion institute 28 (2), 1793-1800, 2000
On the determination of laminar flame speeds from stretched flames
CK Wu, CK Law
Symposium (International) on combustion 20 (1), 1941-1949, 1985
Structure of a spatially developing turbulent lean methane–air Bunsen flame
R Sankaran, ER Hawkes, JH Chen, T Lu, CK Law
Proceedings of the combustion institute 31 (1), 1291-1298, 2007
Outward propagation, burning velocities, and chemical effects of methane flames up to 60 atm
G Rozenchan, DL Zhu, CK Law, SD Tse
Proceedings of the combustion institute 29 (2), 1461-1470, 2002
Linear time reduction of large kinetic mechanisms with directed relation graph: n-Heptane and iso-octane
T Lu, CK Law
Combustion and flame 144 (1-2), 24-36, 2006
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