Martha Andrews
Martha Andrews
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uncw.edu
Discriminating among organizational politics, justice, and support
MC Andrews, KM Kacmar
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2001
Sure everyone can be replaced… but at what cost? Turnover as a predictor of unit-level performance
K Michele Kacmar, MC Andrews, DL Van Rooy, R Chris Steilberg, ...
Academy of Management journal 49 (1), 133-144, 2006
Promoting ethical behavior and organizational citizenship behaviors: The influence of corporate ethical values
TL Baker, TG Hunt, MC Andrews
Journal of business research 59 (7), 849-857, 2006
The role of participation in decision-making in the organizational politics-job satisfaction relationship
LA Witt, MC Andrews, KM Kacmar
Human Relations 53 (3), 341-358, 2000
The moderating effects of equity sensitivity on the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors
GL Blakely, MC Andrews, RH Moorman
Journal of Business and Psychology 20, 259-273, 2005
Mentoring, supervisor support, and perceived organizational support: what matters most?
DD Dawley, MC Andrews, NS Bucklew
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 29 (3), 235-247, 2008
Ethical leadership and subordinate outcomes: The mediating role of organizational politics and the moderating role of political skill
KM Kacmar, MC Andrews, KJ Harris, BJ Tepper
Journal of Business Ethics 115, 33-44, 2013
When conscientiousness isn’t enough: Emotional exhaustion and performance among call center customer service representatives
LA Witt, MC Andrews, DS Carlson
Journal of Management 30 (1), 149-160, 2004
The moderating effects of justice on the relationship between organizational politics and workplace attitudes
KJ Harris, MC Andrews, KM Kacmar
Journal of Business and Psychology 22, 135-144, 2007
Are chameleons good citizens? A longitudinal study of the relationship between self-monitoring and organizational citizenship behavior
GL Blakely, MC Andrews, J Fuller
Journal of Business and Psychology 18, 131-144, 2003
Values and person‐organization fit: Does moral intensity strengthen outcomes?
MC Andrews, T Baker, TG Hunt
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 32 (1), 5-19, 2011
Group cohesion as an enhancement to the justice—affective commitment relationship
MC Andrews, KM Kacmar, GL Blakely, NS Bucklew
Group & Organization Management 33 (6), 736-755, 2008
The interactive effects of procedural justice and exchange ideology on supervisor‐rated commitment
LA Witt, KM Kacmar, MC Andrews
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2001
Got political skill? The impact of justice on the importance of political skill for job performance.
MC Andrews, KM Kacmar, KJ Harris
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (6), 1427, 2009
The interactive effects of organizational politics and exchange ideology on manager ratings of retention
MC Andrews, LA Witt, KM Kacmar
Journal of vocational behavior 62 (2), 357-369, 2003
The mediational effect of regulatory focus on the relationships between mindfulness and job satisfaction and turnover intentions
M C. Andrews, K Michele Kacmar, C Kacmar
Career Development International 19 (5), 494-507, 2014
Impression management by association: Construction and validation of a scale
MC Andrews, KM Kacmar
Journal of Vocational Behavior 58 (1), 142-161, 2001
Confirmation and extension of the sources of feedback scale in service-based organizations
MC Andrews, KM Kacmar
The Journal of Business Communication (1973) 38 (2), 206-226, 2001
Enhancing the ties that bind: Mentoring as a moderator
DD Dawley, MC Andrews, NS Bucklew
Career Development International 15 (3), 259-278, 2010
Anxiety, job satisfaction, supervisor support and turnover intentions of mid‐career nurses: a structural equation model analysis
M Modaresnezhad, MC Andrews, J Mesmer‐Magnus, C Viswesvaran, ...
Journal of Nursing Management 29 (5), 931-942, 2021
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