Noureddine IDBOUFKER
Noureddine IDBOUFKER
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uca.ma - หน้าแรก
Privacy-aware and authentication based on blockchain with fault tolerance for IoT enabled fog computing
O Mounnan, A El Mouatasim, O Manad, T Hidar, A Abou El Kalam, ...
2020 fifth international conference on fog and mobile edge computing (FMEC …, 2020
A measurement of the response times of various OpenFlow/SDN controllers with CBench
C Laissaoui, N Idboufker, R Elassali, K El Baamrani
2015 IEEE/ACS 12th International Conference of Computer Systems and …, 2015
Extending openstack for cloud-based networking at the edge
Z Benomar, D Bruneo, S Distefano, K Elbaamrani, N Idboufker, F Longo, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE …, 2018
Security in OpenFlow-based SDN, opportunities and challenges
NI Jaouad Benabbou, Khalid Elbaamrani
Photonic Network Communications 36 (108), 1-23, 2018
Evaluation of the QoS parameters in different SDN architecture using Omnet 4.6++
F Laassiri, M Moughit, N Idboufker
2017 18th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic …, 2017
Influence of pulse shaping filters on cyclostationary features of 5G waveforms candidates
K Zerhouni, F Elbahhar, R Elassali, K Elbaamrani, N Idboufker
Signal Processing 159, 204-215, 2019
A novel security approach for struggling black hole attack in optimised link state routing protocol
H Zougagh, A Toumanari, R Latif, N Idboufker
International Journal of Sensor Networks 18 (1-2), 101-110, 2015
On the cyclostationarity of universal filtered multi-carrier UFMC
K Zerhouni, R Elassali, F Elbahhar, K Elbaamrani, N Idboufker
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 89, 174-180, 2018
Modified olsr protocol for detection and prevention of packet dropping attack in manet
H Zougagh, A Toumanari, R Latif, Y Elmourabit, N Idboufker
International Journal of Computer Applications 100 (17), 2014
Performance analysis of LDS multi access technique and new 5G waveforms for V2X communication
I Khelouani, F Elbahhar, R Elassali, N Idboufker
Electronics 9 (7), 1094, 2020
LOS identification for high accuracy TOA-based ranging system in tunnel environments
C Skiribou, R Elassali, FE Boukour, K Elbaamrani, N Idboufker, ...
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 98, 38-44, 2019
Evaluation of SIP call setup delay for VoIP in IMS
M El Mahdi Boumezzough, N Idboufker, A Ait Ouahman
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, 16-24, 2012
UFMC waveform and multiple-access techniques for 5G RadCom
I Khelouani, K Zerhouni, F Elbahhar, R Elassali, N Idboufker
Electronics 10 (7), 849, 2021
Software-defined networks, security aspects analysis
J Benabbou, K Elbaamrani, N Idboufker, R Elassali
2015 11th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security …, 2015
Performance evaluation of RED approach for traffic lights management
S Alabdallaoui, A Berraissoul, N Idboufker
2015 15th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2015
A performance comparison of routing protocols for ad hoc networks
H Zougagh, A Toumanari, L Rachid, N Idboufker, M Yousef
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 124-131, 2014
Evaluating and comparison of intrusion in mobile ad hoc networks
Z Hicham, T Ahmed, L Rachid, I Noureddin
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems 3 (2), 243, 2012
Specification and verification of security properties of e-contracts
A Abou El Kalam, N Idboufker
2010 8th International Conference on Communications, 427-430, 2010
Election of mpr nodes and detection of malicious nodes based on a byzantine fault in the olsr protocol case of a scale-free network
N Idboufker, S Mssassi, CM Alaoui, H Zougagh
Electronics 12 (16), 3390, 2023
Prevention of black hole attacks on mobile ad hoc networks through intrusion detection systems
H Zougagh, N Idboufker, R Zoubairi, R El Ayachi
International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN …, 2019
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