Gerald R. Ferris
Gerald R. Ferris
Francis Eppes Professor of Management, Professor of Psychology, and Professor of Sport Management, Florida State University
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ fsu.edu
The validity of the job characteristics model: A review and meta‐analysis
Y Fried, GR Ferris
Personnel psychology 40 (2), 287-322, 1987
A meta-analysis of antecedents and consequences of leader-member exchange: Integrating the past with an eye toward the future
JH Dulebohn, WH Bommer, RC Liden, RL Brouer, GR Ferris
Journal of management 38 (6), 1715-1759, 2012
Development and validation of the political skill inventory
GR Ferris, DC Treadway, RW Kolodinsky, WA Hochwarter, CJ Kacmar, ...
Journal of management 31 (1), 126-152, 2005
Political skill in organizations
GR Ferris, DC Treadway, PL Perrewé, RL Brouer, C Douglas, S Lux
Journal of management 33 (3), 290-320, 2007
Influence tactics, affect, and exchange quality in supervisor-subordinate interactions: A laboratory experiment and field study.
SJ Wayne, GR Ferris
Journal of applied psychology 75 (5), 487, 1990
Perceptions of organizational politics
GR Ferris, KM Kacmar
Journal of management 18 (1), 93-116, 1992
Politics in organizations
GR Ferris, GS Russ, PM Fandt
Impression management in the organization, 143-170, 2013
Personnel/human resources management: A political influence perspective
GR Ferris, TA Judge
Journal of management 17 (2), 447-488, 1991
Social context of performance evaluation decisions
TA Judge, GR Ferris
Academy of management journal 36 (1), 80-105, 1993
Influence tactics and work outcomes: A meta‐analysis
CA Higgins, TA Judge, GR Ferris
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2003
Emotional intelligence, leadership effectiveness, and team outcomes
L Melita Prati, C Douglas, GR Ferris, AP Ammeter, MR Buckley
The international journal of organizational analysis 11 (1), 21-40, 2003
Perceptions of organizational politics scale (POPS): Development and construct validation
KM Kacmar, GR Ferris
Educational and Psychological measurement 51 (1), 193-205, 1991
Leader political skill and team performance
KK Ahearn, GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter, C Douglas, AP Ammeter
Journal of management 30 (3), 309-327, 2004
Human resources management: Some new directions
GR Ferris, WA Hochwarter, MR Buckley, G Harrell-Cook, DD Frink
Journal of management 25 (3), 385-415, 1999
Perceptions of organizational politics: Prediction, stress-related implications, and outcomes
GR Ferris, DD Frink, MC Galang, J Zhou, KM Kacmar, JL Howard
Human relations 49 (2), 233-266, 1996
Toward a social context theory of the human resource management-organization effectiveness relationship
GR Ferris, MM Arthur, HM Berkson, DM Kaplan, G Harrell-Cook, DD Frink
Human resource management review 8 (3), 235-264, 1998
Relationships at work: Toward a multidimensional conceptualization of dyadic work relationships
GR Ferris, RC Liden, TP Munyon, JK Summers, KJ Basik, MR Buckley
Journal of management 35 (6), 1379-1403, 2009
Political skill at work
GR Ferris, PL Perrewé, WP Anthony, DC Gilmore
Organizational influence processes, 395-406, 2016
Perceptions of organizational politics: Theory and research directions
GR Ferris, G Adams, RW Kolodinsky, WA Hochwarter, AP Ammeter
The many faces of multi-level issues, 179-254, 2002
Age, tenure, and job satisfaction: A tale of two perspectives
AG Bedeian, GR Ferris, KM Kacmar
Journal of Vocational behavior 40 (1), 33-48, 1992
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