Yaneri A. Ayala
Yaneri A. Ayala
ชื่ออื่นๆYaneri Aguilar Ayala
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ usal.es - หน้าแรก
Stimulus-specific adaptation and deviance detection in the inferior colliculus
YA Ayala, MS Malmierca
Frontiers in neural circuits 6, 89, 2013
Topographic distribution, frequency, and intensity dependence of stimulus-specific adaptation in the inferior colliculus of the rat
D Duque, D Pérez-González, YA Ayala, AR Palmer, MS Malmierca
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (49), 17762-17774, 2012
Frequency discrimination and stimulus deviance in the inferior colliculus and cochlear nucleus
YA Ayala, D Pérez-González, D Duque, I Nelken, MS Malmierca
Frontiers in neural circuits 6, 119, 2013
Cholinergic modulation of stimulus-specific adaptation in the inferior colliculus
YA Ayala, MS Malmierca
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (35), 12261-12272, 2015
Predictive rhythmic tapping to isochronous and tempo changing metronomes in the nonhuman primate
J Gámez, K Yc, YA Ayala, D Dotov, L Prado, H Merchant
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1423 (1), 396-414, 2018
Stimulus-specific adaptation in the inferior colliculus: The role of excitatory, inhibitory and modulatory inputs
YA Ayala, D Pérez-González, MS Malmierca
Biological psychology 116, 10-22, 2016
Differences in the strength of cortical and brainstem inputs to SSA and non-SSA neurons in the inferior colliculus
YA Ayala, A Udeh, K Dutta, D Bishop, MS Malmierca, DL Oliver
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10383, 2015
Monkeys share the neurophysiological basis for encoding sound periodicities captured by the frequency-following response with humans
YA Ayala, A Lehmann, H Merchant
Scientific reports 7 (1), 16687, 2017
The effect of inhibition on stimulus-specific adaptation in the inferior colliculus
YA Ayala, MS Malmierca
Brain Structure and Function 223, 1391-1407, 2018
Endocannabinoid modulation of stimulus-specific adaptation in inferior colliculus neurons of the rat
C Valdés-Baizabal, GG Parras, YA Ayala, MS Malmierca
Scientific reports 7 (1), 6997, 2017
Deviance detection in auditory subcortical structures: what can we learn from neurochemistry and neural connectivity?
D Duque, YA Ayala, MS Malmierca
Cell and Tissue Research 361 (1), 215-232, 2015
Extracellular recording of neuronal activity combined with microiontophoretic application of neuroactive substances in awake mice
YA Ayala, D Pérez-González, D Duque, AR Palmer, MS Malmierca
Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE, 53914, 2016
Macaque monkeys and humans sample temporal regularities in the acoustic environment
A Criscuolo, M Schwartze, L Prado, Y Ayala, H Merchant, SA Kotz
Progress in Neurobiology 229 (102502), 2023
Macaque monkeys sense the subjective beat
A Criscuolo, M Schwartze, L Prado, YA Ayala, H Merchant, S Kotz
Available at SSRN 3790895, 2021
Listening in action: Attention, emotions and cognition in the auditory system
D Elgueda, YA Ayala, PH Delano
Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 1007095, 2022
The gene expression signature of electrical stimulation in the human brain
S Chatterjee, Y Vanrobaeys, AI Gleason, BJ Park, SA Heiney, AE Rhone, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 21.558812, 2024
Extracellulär inspelning av nervaktiviteten Kombinerat med Microiontophoretic Tillämpning av neuroaktiva ämnen i Vakna möss
YA Ayala, D Pérez-González, D Duque, AR Palmer, MS Malmierca
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), e53914, 2016
Внеклеточной Запись нейрональной активности в сочетании с микроионофоретическое Применение нейроактивный веществ у бодрствующих мышей
YA Ayala, D Pérez-González, D Duque, AR Palmer, MS Malmierca
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE), e53914, 2016
To hear or not to hear: stimulus-specific adaptation in the auditory system
M Malmierca, YA Ayala, FM Antunes, D Duque, J Nieto, BN Aguillon, ...
Conference Abstract: XII International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience …, 2015
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