Shoma Kitayama
Shoma Kitayama
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ brunel.ac.uk
Collapse performance of seismically isolated buildings designed by the procedures of ASCE/SEI 7
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Engineering Structures 164, 243-258, 2018
Probabilistic collapse resistance and residual drift assessment of buildings with fluidic self‐centering systems
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 45 (12), 1935-1953, 2016
Probabilistic seismic performance assessment of seismically isolated buildings designed by the procedures of ASCE/SEI 7 and other enhanced criteria
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Engineering Structures 179, 566-582, 2019
Seismic performance of buildings with viscous damping systems designed by the procedures of ASCE/SEI 7-16
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Journal of Structural Engineering 144 (6), 04018050, 2018
Fluidic self-centering devices as elements of seismically resistant structures: description, testing, modeling, and model validation
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Journal of Structural Engineering 143 (7), 04017050, 2017
Probabilistic seismic assessment of seismically isolated electrical transformers considering vertical isolation and vertical ground motion
S Kitayama, D Lee, MC Constantinou, L Kempner Jr
Engineering Structures 152, 888-900, 2017
Design and analysis of buildings with fluidic self-centering systems
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Journal of Structural Engineering 142 (11), 04016105, 2016
Effect of displacement restraint on the collapse performance of seismically isolated buildings
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17 (5), 2767-2786, 2019
Seismic response analysis of single-degree-of-freedom yielding structures with fluidic self-centering systems
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Engineering Structures 125, 266-279, 2016
Implications of strong earthquake ground motion duration on the response and testing of seismic isolation systems
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 50 (2), 290-308, 2021
Procedures and results of assessment of seismic performance of seismically isolated electrical transformers with due consideration for vertical isolation and vertical ground …
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou, DH Lee
MCEER-16-0010 Report, 180, 2016
Performance evaluation of seismically isolated buildings near active faults
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 51 (5), 1017-1037, 2022
Disassembly and reuse of structural members in steel-framed buildings: state-of-the-art review of connection systems and future research trends
S Kitayama, O Iuorio
Journal of Architectural Engineering 29 (4), 03123006, 2023
Development and evaluation of procedures for analysis and design of buildings with fluidic self-centering systems
S Kitayama
State University of New York at Buffalo, 2017
Effect of superstructure modeling assumptions on the seismic performance of seismically isolated buildings
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 50 (7), 1805-1823, 2021
Seismic loss assessment of seismically isolated buildings designed by the procedures of ASCE/SEI 7-16
S Kitayama, H Cilsalar
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 20 (2), 1143-1168, 2022
Seismic performance assessment of seismically isolated buildings designed by the procedures of ASCE/SEI 7
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
MCEER 18 4, 2018
Steady-state dynamic response analysis of self-centering structural systems with viscous damping
S Kitayama, C Yang
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 150, 106926, 2021
Effect of modeling of inherent damping on the response and collapse performance of seismically isolated buildings
S Kitayama, MC Constantinou
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 52 (3), 571-592, 2023
Inspection and repair considerations for downtime assessment of seismically isolated buildings
S Kitayama, EAM Moncayo, A Athanasiou
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 164, 107618, 2023
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