Cale Bigelow
Cale Bigelow
Purdue University - College of Agriculture
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ purdue.edu - หน้าแรก
Physical properties of three sand size classes amended with inorganic materials or sphagnum peat moss for putting green rootzones
CA Bigelow, DC Bowman, DK Cassel
Crop Science 44 (3), 900-907, 2004
Aboveground responses of cool‐season lawn species to nitrogen rates and application timings
KS Walker, CA Bigelow, DR Smith, GE Van Scoyoc, ZJ Reicher
Crop science 47 (3), 1225-1236, 2007
Nitrogen leaching in sand-based rootzones amended with inorganic soil amendments and sphagnum peat
CA Bigelow, DC Bowman, DK Cassel
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 126 (1), 151-156, 2001
Creeping bentgrass response to inorganic soil amendments and mechanically induced subsurface drainage and aeration
CA Bigelow, DC Bowman, DK Cassel, TW Rufty Jr
Crop Science 41 (3), 797-805, 2001
Low‐input turfgrass species for the north central United States
E Watkins, S Fei, D Gardner, J Stier, S Bughrara, D Li, C Bigelow, ...
Applied Turfgrass Science 8 (1), 1-11, 2011
Selecting turfgrasses and mowing practices that reduce mowing requirements
QD Law, CA Bigelow, AJ Patton
Crop Science 56 (6), 3318-3327, 2016
Dollar spot and gray leaf spot severity as influenced by irrigation, chlorothalonil, paclobutrazol, and a wetting agent
SJ McDonald, PH Dernoeden, CA Bigelow
Crop Science 46 (6), 2675-2684, 2006
Characterization of soil microbial population dynamics in newly constructed sand‐based rootzones
CA Bigelow, DC Bowman, AG Wollum
Crop science 42 (5), 1611-1614, 2002
Ploidy level and DNA content of perennial ryegrass germplasm as determined by flow cytometry
Y Wang, CA Bigelow, Y Jiang
HortScience 44 (7), 2049-2052, 2009
Soil amendments and fertilizer source effects on creeping bentgrass establishment, soil microbial activity, thatch, and disease
JE Kaminski, PH Dernoeden, CA Bigelow
HortScience 39 (3), 620-626, 2004
Turfgrass root zones: Management, construction methods, amendment characterization, and use
CA Bigelow, DJ Soldat
Turfgrass: Biology, use, and management 56, 383-423, 2013
Comparing student performance in an online versus a face to face introductory turfgrass science course a-case study
CA Bigelow
NACTA Journal, 2-7, 2009
Low-input turfgrass species for the North central United States. Applied Turfgrass Science. doi: 10.1094
E Watkins, S Fei, D Gardner, J Stier, S Bughrara, D Li, C Bigelow, ...
ATS-2011-0126-02-RS, 2011
Smooth crabgrass control in perennial ryegrass and creeping bentgrass tolerance to quinclorac
PH Dernoeden, CA Bigelow, JE Kaminski, JM Krouse
HortScience 38 (4), 607-612, 2003
Dollar spot control in creeping bentgrass as influenced by fungicide spray volume and application timing. Applied Turfgrass Science doi: 10.1094
SJ McDonald, PH Dernoeden, CA Bigelow
ATS-2006-0531-01-RS, 2006
Sand-based rootzone modification with inorganic soil amendments and sphagnum peat moss
CA Bigelow, D Bowman, K Cassel
USGA Green Section Record 38 (4), 7-13, 2000
Dollar spot control in creeping bentgrass as influenced by fungicide spray volume and application timing
SJ McDonald, PH Dernoeden, CA Bigelow
Applied Turfgrass Science 3 (1), 1-11, 2006
Germination and establishment with root-zone amendments
CA Bigelow, DC Bowman, K Cassel
Golf Course Manage 67 (4), 62-65, 1999
Monthly flurprimidol applications reduce annual bluegrass populations in a creeping bentgrass fairway. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science doi: 10.1094
CA Bigelow, GA Hardebeck, BT Bunnell
ATS-2007-0508-02-RS, 2007
Creeping bentgrass seedling tolerance to herbicides and paclobutrazol
JE Kaminski, PH Dernoeden, CA Bigelow
HortScience 39 (5), 1126-1129, 2004
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