Stefania Bocconi
Stefania Bocconi
Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerca (CNR), Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche (ITD)
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ itd.cnr.it
Developing computational thinking in compulsory education - Implications for policy and practice
S Bocconi, A Chioccariello, G Dettori, A Ferrari, K Engelhardt, P Kampylis, ...
European Commission, JRC Science for Policy Report, 68, 2016
Developing computational thinking in compulsory education
S Bocconi, A Chioccariello, G Dettori, A Ferrari, K Engelhardt, P Kampylis, ...
European Commission, JRC Science for Policy Report 68, 2016
The Nordic approach to introducing Computational Thinking and programming in compulsory education
S Bocconi, A Chioccariello, J Earp
Report prepared for the Nordic@ BETT2018 Steering Group 42, 2018
Reviewing computational thinking in compulsory education: State of play and practices from computing education
S Bocconi, A Chioccariello, P Kampylis, V Dagienė, P Wastiau, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2022
Framing ICT‐enabled Innovation for Learning: the case of one‐to‐one learning initiatives in Europe
S Bocconi, P Kampylis, Y Punie
European Journal of Education 48 (1), 113-130, 2013
“Think globally, act locally”: A glocal approach to the development of social media literacy
S Manca, S Bocconi, B Gleason
Computers & Education 160, 104025, 2021
Innovating learning: Key elements for developing creative classrooms in Europe
S Bocconi, PG Kampylis, Y Punie
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2012
Towards a mapping framework of ICT-enabled innovation for learning
P Kampylis, S Bocconi, Y Punie
JRC Scientific and Policy Reports, 2012
Developing computational thinking: Approaches and orientations in K-12 education
S Bocconi, A Chioccariello, G Dettori, A Ferrari, K Engelhardt, P Kampylis, ...
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 13-18, 2016
Exploring the field of computational thinking as a 21st century skill
S Bocconi, A Chioccariello, G Dettori, A Ferrari, K Engelhardt, P Kampylis, ...
EDULEARN16 Proceedings, 4725-4733, 2016
ICT-enabled innovation for learning in Europe and Asia. Exploring conditions for sustainability, scalability and impact at system level
P Kampylis, N Law, Y Punie, S Bocconi, B Brecko, S Han, CK Looi, ...
JRC Research Reports, 2013
ICT educational tools and visually impaired students: different answers to different accessibility needs
S Bocconi, S Dini, L Ferlino, C Martinoli, M Ott
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services …, 2007
Promoting students’ well-being and inclusion in schools through digital technologies: Perceptions of students, teachers, and school leaders in Italy expressed through SELFIE …
S Panesi, S Bocconi, L Ferlino
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1563, 2020
Modelling blended solutions for higher education: teaching, learning, and assessment in the network and mobile technology era
S Bocconi, G Trentin
Technology-Enhanced and Collaborative Learning, 1-20, 2018
Creating future ready information technology policy for national education systems
J Zagami, S Bocconi, L Starkey, JD Wilson, D Gibson, J Downie, ...
Technology, knowledge and learning 23, 495-506, 2018
DigCompEdu. Il quadro di riferimento europeo sulle competenze digitali dei docenti
S Bocconi, J Earp, S Panesi
Testo disponibile al sito https://digcompedu. cnr. it …, 2018
Innovating teaching and learning practices: Key elements for developing creative classrooms in Europe
S Bocconi, P Kampylis, Y Punie
eLearning papers 30, 1-13, 2012
Fostering innovative pedagogical practices through online networks: the case of eTwinning
P Kampylis, S Bocconi, Y Punie
Proceedings of the SQM/INSPIRE 2012 conference, Tampere, Finland, 21-23, 2012
Valutazione della qualità nella formazione in rete
S Bocconi, V Midoro, L Sarti
Italian Journal of Educational Technology 7 (1), 24-24, 1999
Accessibility of educational multimedia: in search of specific standards
S Bocconi, S Dini, L Ferlino, M Ott
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 1 (3), 2006
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