Liuhao MA (馬柳昊)
Liuhao MA (馬柳昊)
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ whut.edu.cn - หน้าแรก
Non-uniform temperature and species concentration measurements in a laminar flame using multi-band infrared absorption spectroscopy
LH Ma, LY Lau, W Ren
Applied Physics B 123, 1-9, 2017
Chemical speciation and soot measurements in laminar counterflow diffusion flames of ethylene and ammonia mixtures
M Zhou, F Yan, L Ma, P Jiang, Y Wang, SH Chung
Fuel 308, 122003, 2022
Pressure-dependent kinetics of methyl formate reactions with OH at combustion, atmospheric and interstellar temperatures
J Wu, H Ning, L Ma, W Ren
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (41), 26190-26199, 2018
In situ flame temperature measurements using a mid-infrared two-line H2O laser-absorption thermometry
L Ma, H Ning, J Wu, W Ren
Combustion Science and Technology 190 (3), 392-407, 2018
MHz-rate scanned-wavelength direct absorption spectroscopy using a distributed feedback diode laser at 2.3 µm
M Raza, L Ma, C Yao, M Yang, Z Wang, Q Wang, R Kan, W Ren
Optics & Laser Technology 130, 106344, 2020
Influence of line pair selection on flame tomography using infrared absorption spectroscopy
KP Cheong, L Ma, Z Wang, W Ren
Applied Spectroscopy 73 (5), 529-539, 2019
An improved study of the uniformity of laminar premixed flames using laser absorption spectroscopy and CFD simulation
L Ma, KP Cheong, H Ning, W Ren
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112, 110013, 2020
A mid-infrared fiber-coupled QEPAS nitric oxide sensor for real-time engine exhaust monitoring
C Shi, D Wang, Z Wang, L Ma, Q Wang, K Xu, SC Chen, W Ren
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (22), 7418-7424, 2017
Mid-infrared heterodyne phase-sensitive dispersion spectroscopy in flame measurements
L Ma, Z Wang, KP Cheong, H Ning, W Ren
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2), 1329-1336, 2019
Theoretical and shock tube study of the rate constants for hydrogen abstraction reactions of ethyl formate
J Wu, F Khaled, H Ning, L Ma, A Farooq, W Ren
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 (33), 6304-6313, 2017
High-temperature dual-species (CO/NH3) detection using calibration-free scanned-wavelength-modulation spectroscopy at 2.3 μm
M Raza, L Ma, S Yao, L Chen, W Ren
Fuel 305, 121591, 2021
Chemical kinetic modeling and shock tube study of methyl propanoate decomposition
H Ning, J Wu, L Ma, W Ren, DF Davidson, RK Hanson
Combustion and Flame 184, 30-40, 2017
Combined ab initio, kinetic modeling, and shock tube study of the thermal decomposition of ethyl formate
H Ning, J Wu, L Ma, W Ren, DF Davidson, RK Hanson
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 (35), 6568-6579, 2017
Characterization of temperature and soot volume fraction in laminar premixed flames: Laser absorption/extinction measurement and two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics …
L Ma, H Ning, J Wu, KP Cheong, W Ren
Energy & Fuels 32 (12), 12962-12970, 2018
Dual-comb spectroscopy for laminar premixed flames with a free-running fiber laser
K Xu, L Ma, J Chen, X Zhao, Q Wang, R Kan, Z Zheng, W Ren
Combustion Science and Technology 194 (12), 2523-2538, 2022
Mid-infrared CO2 sensor with blended absorption features for non-uniform laminar premixed flames
Z Wang, W Wang, L Ma, P Fu, W Ren, X Chao
Applied Physics B 128 (2), 31, 2022
Accurate prediction of bond dissociation energies of large n-alkanes using ONIOM-CCSD (T)/CBS methods
J Wu, H Ning, L Ma, W Ren
Chemical Physics Letters 699, 139-145, 2018
Exploring the pyrolysis chemistry of prototype aromatic ester phenyl formate: Reaction pathways, thermodynamics and kinetics
H Ning, J Wu, L Ma, W Ren
Combustion and Flame 211, 337-346, 2020
A laser-based multipass absorption sensor for sub-ppm detection of methane, acetylene and ammonia
W Duan, F Yan, Y Wang, H Zhang, L Ma, D Wen, W Wang, G Sheng, ...
Sensors 22 (2), 556, 2022
Multispectral infrared absorption spectroscopy for quantitative temperature measurements in axisymmetric laminar premixed sooting flames
L Ma, K Duan, KP Cheong, C Yuan, W Ren
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 28, 101575, 2021
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