บทความที่มีข้อกำหนดการเข้าถึงสาธารณะ - Daniel J Vanselowดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม
มีให้ใช้งานในบางที่: 19
Enhanced and unified anatomical labeling for a common mouse brain atlas
U Chon, DJ Vanselow, KC Cheng, Y Kim
Nature communications 10 (1), 5067, 2019
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
Computational 3D histological phenotyping of whole zebrafish by X-ray histotomography
Y Ding, DJ Vanselow, MA Yakovlev, SR Katz, AY Lin, DP Clark, P Vargas, ...
Elife 8, e44898, 2019
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
Quantitative cellular-resolution map of the oxytocin receptor in postnatally developing mouse brains
KT Newmaster, ZT Nolan, U Chon, DJ Vanselow, AR Weit, M Tabbaa, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1885, 2020
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
Comparative analysis of fixation and embedding techniques for optimized histological preparation of zebrafish
JE Copper, LR Budgeon, CA Foutz, DB van Rossum, DJ Vanselow, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2018
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
Whole-brain wiring diagram of oxytocin system in adult mice
S Son, SB Manjila, KT Newmaster, Y Wu, DJ Vanselow, M Ciarletta, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 42 (25), 5021-5033, 2022
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
Quantitative relationship between cerebrovascular network and neuronal cell types in mice
Y Wu, HC Bennett, U Chon, DJ Vanselow, Q Zhang, R Muñoz-Castañeda, ...
Cell reports 39 (12), 2022
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
A wide-field micro-computed tomography detector: micron resolution at half-centimetre scale
MA Yakovlev, DJ Vanselow, MS Ngu, CR Zaino, SR Katz, Y Ding, ...
Synchrotron Radiation 29 (2), 505-514, 2022
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
Whole-organism 3D quantitative characterization of zebrafish melanin by silver deposition micro-CT
SR Katz, MA Yakovlev, DJ Vanselow, Y Ding, AY Lin, DY Parkinson, ...
Elife 10, e68920, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
Rigid embedding of fixed and stained, whole, Millimeter-Scale specimens for Section-free 3D histology by Micro-Computed tomography
AY Lin, Y Ding, DJ Vanselow, SR Katz, MA Yakovlev, DP Clark, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 58293, 2018
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
Three-dimensional histology of whole zebrafish by sub-micron synchrotron x-ray micro-tomography
Y Ding, DJ Vanselow, MA Yakovlev, SR Katz, AY Lin, DP Clark, P Vargas, ...
bioRxiv, 392381, 2018
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
Sinogram domain angular upsampling of sparse-view micro-CT with dense residual hierarchical transformer and attention-weighted loss
AS Adishesha, DJ Vanselow, P La Riviere, KC Cheng, SX Huang
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 242, 107802, 2023
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
epDevAtlas: Mapping GABAergic cells and microglia in postnatal mouse brains
JK Liwang, FA Kronman, JA Minteer, YT Wu, DJ Vanselow, Y Ben-Simon, ...
bioRxiv, 2023
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
The cellular architecture of microvessels, pericytes and neuronal cell types in organizing regional brain energy homeostasis in mice
Y Wu, HC Bennett, U Chon, DJ Vanselow, Q Zhang, R Muñoz-Castañeda, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.05. 19.444854, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
Zebrafish histotomography noise removal in projection and reconstruction domains
AS Adishesha, DJ Vanselow, P La Riviere, X Huang, KC Cheng
2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 140-144, 2021
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health
Quantitative Geometric Modeling of Blood Cells from X-ray Histotomograms of Whole Zebrafish Larvae
MA Yakovlev, K Liang, CR Zaino, DJ Vanselow, AL Sugarman, AY Lin, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.05. 23.541939, 2023
ข้อกำหนด: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health
A web-based histology atlas for the freshwater Cladocera species Daphnia magna
MS Ngu, DJ Vanselow, CR Zaino, AY Lin, JE Copper, MJ Beaton, L Orsini, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.03. 09.483544, 2022
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health, European Commission
Web-based histology reference atlas for the freshwater crustacean daphnia magna
MS Ngu, DJ Vanselow, CR Zaino, AY Lin, JE Copper, MJ Beaton, ...
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health, European Commission
A web-based histology atlas for the freshwater sentinel species Daphnia magna
MS Ngu, DJ Vanselow, CR Zaino, AY Lin, JE Copper, MJ Beaton, L Orsini, ...
Science of the Total Environment 958, 177930, 2025
ข้อกำหนด: European Commission
Sinogram Domain Angular Upsampling of Sparse-View Micro-CT with Dense Residual Hierarchical Transformer and Noise-Aware Loss
AS Adishesha, DJ Vanselow, P La Riviere, KC Cheng, SX Huang
bioRxiv, 2023.05. 09.540072, 2023
ข้อกำหนด: US National Institutes of Health