Nawal Daraoui
Nawal Daraoui
Ingénieur de recherche
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ univ-tln.fr
Model predictive control during the primary drying stage of lyophilisation
N Daraoui, P Dufour, H Hammouri, A Hottot
Control Engineering Practice 18 (5), 483-494, 2010
Observer-based robust control of vehicle dynamics for rollover mitigation in critical situations
H Dahmani, O Pagès, A El Hajjaji, N Daraoui
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (1), 274-284, 2013
Constrained control of switching systems: a positive invariant approach
A Benzaouia, E De Santis, P Caravani, N Daraoui
International Journal of Control 80 (9), 1379-1387, 2007
Quadrotor attitude estimation with data losses
S Lesecq, S Gentil, N Daraoui
2009 European Control Conference (ECC), 3851-3856, 2009
Observer-based tracking control of the vehicle lateral dynamics using four-wheel active steering
H Dahmani, O Pagès, A El Hajjaji, N Daraoui
16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2013
Optimal operation of sublimation time of the freeze drying process by predictive control: Application of the MPC@ CB Software
N Daraoui, P Dufour, H Hammouri, A Hottot
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 25, 453-458, 2008
Model predictive control of the primary drying stage of a freeze drying of solutions in vials: an application of the MPC@ CB software (part 1)
N Daraoui, P Dufour, H Hammouri
The Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference: (In 2 Volumes …, 2007
Robust Roll and Yaw control systems using fuzzy model of the vehicle dynamics
N Daraoui, O Pagès, A El Hajjaji
2012 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1-6, 2012
Stability of continuous-time linear systems with Markovian jumping parameters and constrained control
A Benzaouia, EK Boukas, N Daraoui
Les Cahiers du GERAD ISSN 711, 2440, 2003
Regulator problem for linear discrete-time delay systems with Markovian jumping parameters and constrained control
N Daraoui, A Benzaouia, EK Boukas
42nd IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Benefits in using model based predictive control during drying and lyophilisation
N Daraoui, P Dufour, H Hammouri
3rd European Drying Conference joint conference of the European Federation …, 2009
Regulator problem for linear discrete-time delay systems with Markovian jumping parameters and symmetrical constraints
N Daraoui, A Benzaouia
International journal of systems science 37 (5), 279-285, 2006
Regulation problem for linear discrete-time delay systems with Markovian jumping parameters and symmetrical constraints
N Daraoui, A Benzaouia, EK Boukas
2003 4th International Conference on Control and Automation Proceedings, 286-290, 2003
LMI approach for exponential stabilization of continuous-time delayed Takagi-Sugeno systems
N Daraoui, M Nachidi, F Tadeo, A Benzaouia
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 3873-3878, 2011
Système d'aide à la décision pour l'évaluation de la menace appliquée à la lutte contre la piraterie maritime
N Daraoui, JF Balmat, F Lafont, N Pessel
Projet PARE (Plateforme Autonome de Renseignement Embarqué), 2013
Study on observer-based robust control of the vehicle lateral dynamics via TS model with unmeasurable premise variables
N Daraoui, O Pages, A El Hajjaji
2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 836-841, 2012
Data-loss tolerant Extended Kalman Filter for a quadrotor attitude estimation
N Daraoui, S Gentil, S Lesecq
GIPSA-lab, 2008
Hong Kong, China, August, 13-15 2007.
N Daraoui, P Dufour, H Hammouri
Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference (ADC) 2, 883-888, 2007
Commande des systèmes hybrides avec saturations
N Daraoui
Université Cadi Ayyad, Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Marrakech, 2004
N. Daraoui, P. Dufour, H. Hammouri, A. Hottot
N Daraoui
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