Markus Koschutnig-Ebner
COVID-19 Epidemic as E-Learning Boost? Chronological Development and Effects at an Austrian University against the Background of the Concept of “E-Learning Readiness”
M Ebner, S Schön, C Braun, M Ebner, Y Grigoriadis, M Haas, P Leitner, ...
Future Internet 12, no. 6: 94., 2020
Learning Analytics Challenges to Overcome in Higher Education Institutions
P Leitner, M Ebner, M Ebner
Utilizing Learning Analytics to Support Study Success, 91-104, 2019
Higher Education Landscape 2030: A Trend Analysis Based on the AHEAD International Horizon Scanning
D Orr, M Luebcke, JP Schmidt, M Ebner, K Wannemacher, M Ebner, ...
AHEAD-Internationales Horizon-Scanning: Trendanalyse zu einer Hochschullandschaft in 2030
D Orr, M Lübcke, P Schmidt, M Ebner, K Wannemacher, M Ebner, ...
Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, 2019
Mixed Reality Books: Applying Augmented and Virtual Reality in Mining Engineering Education
L Daling, C Kommetter, A Abdelrazeq, M Ebner, M Ebner
Augmented Reality in Education: A New Technology for Teaching and Learning …, 2020
Tools for Teaching Mining Students in Virtual Reality based on 360° Video Experiences
D Kalkofen, S Mori, T Ladinig, L Daling, A Abdelrazeq, M Ebner, M Ortega, ...
2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and …, 2020
Conception of a Conversational Interface to Provide a Guided Search of Study Related Data
R Berger, M Ebner, M Ebner
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 14 (No. 7, 2019 …, 2019
Learning Analytics
M Grandl, B Taraghi, M Ebner, P Leitner, M , Ebner
Handbuch E-Learning: Expertenwissen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis - Strategien …, 2017
Mobile Learning Applications for Android und iOS for German Language Acquisition based on Learning Analytics Measurements
M Friedl, M Ebner, M Ebner
International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for …, 2020
Chatbots for Brand Representation in Comparison with Traditional Websites
J Kühnel, M Ebner, M Ebner
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 14 (18), 18-33, 2020
Inverse Blended Learning in der Weiterbildung für Erwachenenbildner_innen - Eine MOOC-Fallstudie
M Ebner, S Schön, M Khalil, M Ebner, B Aschemann, W Frei, D Röthler
Zeitschrift Hochschule und Weiterbildung 2018 (1), 23-30, 2018
Tutoring writing spelling skills within a web-based platform for children
M Ebner, K Edtstadler, M Ebner
Universal Access in the Information Society, 1-19, 2017
Potentials of Chatbots for Spell Check among Youngsters.
J Arifi, M Ebner, M Ebner
Int. J. Learn. Anal. Artif. Intell. Educ. 1 (1), 77-88, 2019
Math Trainer as a Chatbot Via System (Push) Messages for Android
M Kabiljagić, J Wachtler, M Ebner, M Ebner
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) 16 (17), 75–87, 2022
Learning Analytics an Schulen–Hintergrund und Beispiele
M Ebner, M Ebner
Medienimpulse 56 (1), 2018
The Development and Implementation of Missing Tools and Procedures at the Interface of a University’s Learning Management System, its OER Repository and the Austrian OER Referatory
C Ladurner, C Ortner, K Lach, M Ebner, M Haas, M Ebner, R Ganguly, ...
The International Journal of Open Educational Resources 3 (2), 2020
Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German-A First Prototype
M Ebner, M Ebner, K Edtstadler
International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies, 405-416, 2016
Improved German Spelling Acquisition through Learning Analytics
K Edtstadler, M Ebner, M Ebner
openeducation.eu, 2015
Designing a Sandpit- and Co-Design-informed Innovation Process for Scaling TEL Research in Higher Education.
SM Dennerlein, V Pammer-Schindler, M Ebner, G Getzinger, M Ebner
Entwicklungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung, 2020
A Voice-Enabled Game Based Learning Application using Amazon's Echo with Alexa Voice Service: A Game Regarding Geographic Facts About Austria and Europe
L Bilic, M Ebner, M Ebner
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 226-232, 2020
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