Yves Dejaeghere
Yves Dejaeghere
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Antwerp
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ uantwerpen.be
Anti-gay sentiment among adolescents in Belgium and Canada: A comparative investigation into the role of gender and religion
M Hooghe, E Claes, A Harell, E Quintelier, Y Dejaeghere
Journal of homosexuality 57 (3), 384-400, 2010
Does the ‘monitorial citizen’exist? An empirical investigation into the occurrence of postmodern forms of citizenship in the Nordic countries
M Hooghe, Y Dejaeghere
Scandinavian Political Studies 30 (2), 249-271, 2007
Surviving information overload: How elite politicians select information
S Walgrave, Y Dejaeghere
Governance 30 (2), 229-244, 2017
Do ethnically diverse schools reduce ethnocentrism? A two-year panel study among majority group late adolescents in Belgian schools
Y Dejaeghere, M Hooghe, E Claes
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 36 (1), 108-117, 2012
Staying with the party, switching or exiting? A comparative analysis of determinants of party switching and abstaining
R Dassonneville, A Blais, Y Dejaeghere
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 25 (3), 387-405, 2015
Bridging the ideological space: A cross‐national analysis of the distance of party switching
R Dassonneville, Y Dejaeghere
European Journal of Political Research 53 (3), 580-599, 2014
Does European citizenship increase tolerance in young people?
E Quintelier, Y Dejaeghere
European Union Politics 9 (3), 339-362, 2008
A comparative investigation into the effects of party-system variables on party switching using individual-level data
Y Dejaeghere, R Dassonneville
Party Politics 23 (2), 110-123, 2017
Brief report: Citizenship concepts among adolescents. Evidence from a survey among Belgian 16-year olds
Y Dejaeghere, M Hooghe
Journal of Adolescence 32 (3), 723-732, 2009
“Yes, but suppose everyone turned gay?”: The structure of attitudes toward gay and lesbian rights among Islamic youth in Belgium
M Hooghe, Y Dejaeghere, E Claes, E Quintelier
Journal of LGBT Youth 7 (1), 49-71, 2010
The importance of issue-ownership and salience for voters' knowledge of parties' issue positions
Y Dejaeghere, P Van Erkel
Electoral Studies 46, 15-25, 2017
Op zoek naar de'monitorial citizen': Een empirisch onderzoek naar de prevalentie van postmodern burgerschap in België
Y Dejaeghere, M Hooghe
Res Publica 48 (4), 2006
La non-participation politique des jeunes: Une étude des barrières temporaires et permanentes de l'engagement
VA Mahéo, Y Dejaeghere, D Stolle
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2012
Virtuous villages and sinful cities? A spatial analysis into the effects of community characteristics on turnout and blank/invalid voting in local elections in Belgium 2006–2012
Y Dejaeghere, B Vanhoutte
Acta Politica 51, 80-101, 2016
De houding van jongeren ten aanzien van holebi-rechten: Een kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve analyse
M Hooghe, E Quintelier, E Claes, Y Dejaeghere, A Harrell
KU Leuven. Centrum voor Politicologie; Leuven, 2007
The relationship between ethnocentric attitudes and avoidance behavior among Belgian students
Y Dejaeghere, M Hooghe
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 40 (1), 15-29, 2012
Technisch rapport van het Jeugdonderzoek België
M Hooghe, E Quintelier, E Claes, Y Dejaeghere
Leuven: KU Leuven, Centrum voor Politicologie, 2006
Burgerschapsconcepten in Vlaanderen: een internationale vergelijking
A Carton, M Callens, Y Dejaeghere, M Hooghe
Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering; Brussel, 2009
The political socialization of adolescents: an exploration of citizenship among sixteen to eightteen year old Belgians
Y Dejaeghere
The relation between ethnic and civic views on citizenship, attitudes towards immigrants and sympathy for welfare recipients
J Vandoninck, C Meeusen, Y Dejaeghere
Social policy & administration 52 (1), 158-177, 2018
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