Field reconnaissance on seismic performance of RC buildings after the January 24, 2020 Elazığ-Sivrice earthquake Ö Yurdakul, B Duran, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar Natural Hazards 105 (1), 859-887, 2021 | 49 | 2021 |
Retrofit of non-seismically designed beam-column joints by post-tensioned superelastic shape memory alloy bars Ö Yurdakul, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 5279-5307, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Seismic repair of captive-column damage with CFRPs in substandard RC frames O Tunaboyu, O Avsar Structural engineering and mechanics: An international journal 61 (1), 1-13, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Influence of structural walls on the seismic performance of RC buildings during the May 19, 2011 Simav Earthquake in Turkey Ö Avşar, O Tunaboyu Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 28 (4), 04014016, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |
Structural failure evaluation of a substandard RC building due to basement story short-column damage B Duran, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 34 (4), 04020053, 2020 | 14 | 2020 |
Stochastic-based nonlinear numerical modeling of shear critical RC beam repaired with bonded CFRP sheets Ö Yurdakul, O Tunaboyu, L Routil, Ö Avşar Journal of Composites for Construction 23 (5), 04019042, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Effectiveness of seismic repairing stages with CFRPs on the seismic performance of damaged RC frames B Duran, O Tunaboyu, O Kaplan, O Avsar Structural engineering and mechanics: An international journal 67 (3), 233-244, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |
Determination of elasticity modulus of low strength concrete and its effect on the risk assessment results by DSVB B Duran, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 32 (1), 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
Parameter sensitivity of CFRP retrofitted substandard joints by stochastic computational mechanics Ö Yurdakul, O Tunaboyu, L Routil, Ö Avşar Composite Structures 238, 112003, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Seismic performance upgrading of substandard RC frames using shape memory alloy bars B Duran, O Tunaboyu, KC Atli, Ö Avşar Smart Materials and Structures 28 (8), 085007, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Axial behavior of FRP confined low-strength concrete with polyurea E Akın, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar Structures 28, 1774-1784, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
Düşük dayanimli betonun elastisite modülünün belirlenmesi ve ryteie ile yapilan risk değerlendirmesine etkisi B Duran, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 32 (1), 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Kısa kolon oluşumuna neden olabilecek boşluksuz dolgu duvarlı betonarme çerçeve davranışının analitik ve deneysel yöntemlerle irdelenmesi O Tunaboyu PQDT-Global, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Effectiveness of structural walls in improving the serviceability of a seismically-retrofitted RC building A Şimşek, Ö Yurdakul, B Duran, O Tunaboyu, S Yıldırım, Ö Avşar Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 21 (12), 5545-5571, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Effects of shear wall ratio on the seismic behavior of buildings having inadequate seismic resistance Ö YURDAKUL, O TUNABOYU, Ö AVŞAR | 2 | 2014 |
Investigation of infill wall modelling techniques on a substandard reinforced concrete frame İ Durğut, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 36 …, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Dolgu duvar modelleme tekniklerinin standart-altı betonarme bir çerçeve üzerinde irdelenmesi İ Durğut, O Tunaboyu, Ö Avşar Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 36 (1), 147-162, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
A stochastic model for the capacity estimation of non-seismically designed beam-column joints Ö Yurdakul, O Tunaboyu, L Řoutil, O Avsar České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
RADYE TEMELLER YÇYN BYLGYSAYAR DESTEKLY EKSANTRYSYTE HESABI Mİ Onur, O Tunaboyu, A Tuncan, M Tuncan Engineering Sciences 6 (4), 1620-1629, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |
Alternative lightweight composite facing members for reinforced soils B Evirgen, O Tunaboyu, B Büyük, GT Çil Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (3), 775-790, 2023 | | 2023 |