The SCIP optimization suite 5.0 A Gleixner, L Eifler, T Gally, G Gamrath, P Gemander, RL Gottwald, ... | 402 | 2017 |
The SCIP optimization suite 7.0 G Gamrath, D Anderson, K Bestuzheva, WK Chen, L Eifler, M Gasse, ... | 308 | 2020 |
The scip optimization suite 3.2 G Gamrath, T Fischer, T Gally, A Gleixner, G Hendel, T Koch, SJ Maher, ... | 139 | 2016 |
The SCIP optimization suite 4.0 SJ Maher, T Fischer, T Gally, G Gamrath, A Gleixner, RL Gottwald, ... | 120 | 2017 |
PySCIPOpt: Mathematical Programming in Python with the SCIP Optimization Suite S Maher, M Miltenberger, JP Pedroso, D Rehfeldt, R Schwarz, F Serrano Mathematical Software–ICMS 2016: 5th International Conference, Berlin …, 2016 | 110 | 2016 |
Progress in presolving for mixed integer programming G Gamrath, T Koch, A Martin, M Miltenberger, D Weninger Mathematical Programming Computation 7, 367-398, 2015 | 71 | 2015 |
Adaptive algorithmic behavior for solving mixed integer programs using bandit algorithms G Hendel, M Miltenberger, J Witzig Operations Research Proceedings 2018: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Exploring the numerics of branch-and-cut for mixed integer linear optimization M Miltenberger, T Ralphs, DE Steffy Operations Research Proceedings 2017: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |
Tackling industrial-scale supply chain problems by mixed-integer programming G Gamrath, A Gleixner, T Koch, M Miltenberger, D Kniasew, D Schlögel, ... Journal of Computational Mathematics, 866-888, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
The SCIP Optimization Suite 6.0. Technical report A Gleixner, M Bastubbe, L Eifler, T Gally, G Gamrath, RL Gottwald, ... Optimization Online, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Methoden zur Reduktion der Rechenzeit linearer Optimierungsmodelle in der Energiewirtschaft–Eine Performance-Analyse KK Cao, A Gleixner, M Miltenberger | 9 | 2016 |
Linear Programming in MILP Solving-A Computational Perspective M Miltenberger Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Die IDR (s)-Methode zur Lösung von parametrisierten Gleichungssystemen M Miltenberger Diploma thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät II …, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |