Hyeongtae Ahn
Hyeongtae Ahn
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ kumoh.ac.kr
Frequency domain coordination MAC protocol for full-duplex wireless networks
H Ahn, J Lee, C Kim, YJ Suh
IEEE Communications Letters 23 (3), 518-521, 2019
A full-duplex MAC protocol based on buffer status report for successive full-duplex link setup
H Ahn, YD Park, D Kim, YJ Suh
IEEE Communications Letters 23 (9), 1506-1509, 2019
Full-duplex MAC protocol using buffer status reports during unused uplink periods in WLAN
H Ahn, YJ Suh
Ad Hoc Networks 94, 101950, 2019
An OFDMA two-symbol coordination MAC protocol for full-duplex wireless networks
J Lee, H Ahn, C Kim
2017 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 344-348, 2017
환경 데이터를 활용한 온실형 스마트팜에서 센서 이상 탐지 시스템
이철원, 안수용, 김재영, 안형태
한국데이터정보과학회 32 (6), 1237-1248, 2021
In-Frame Querying to Utilize Full Duplex Communication in IEEE 802.11ax
G Lee, H Ahn, C Kim
2015 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN …, 2015
Hidden chain: A full-duplex MAC protocol using hidden terminal relationships in WLANs
H Ahn, G Lee, C Kim
2016 12th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and …, 2016
Collision decoding and reporting: A new collision resolution approach using full-duplex radio in WLANs
H Ahn, H Jo, YD Park, SH Jeong, YJ Suh
Ad Hoc Networks 106, 102238, 2020
Reliable and Efficient Multi-rate Aware Reactive (REMAR) routing for IEEE 802.11 based MANET
A Khalid, H Ahn, C Kim
2016 international conference on information networking (ICOIN), 81-85, 2016
Performance analysis of coexistence of traditional communication system and emerging semantic communication system
H Lee, H Ahn, YD Park
ICT Express 9 (3), 420-426, 2023
FDCR: A full-duplex collision resolution scheme for next-generation wireless LANs
H Jo, H Ahn, E Kim, YJ Suh
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (11), 3738-3742, 2021
Impact analysis of emerging semantic communication systems on network performance
H Lee, H Ahn, YD Park
Electronics 11 (10), 1567, 2022
Aub: A full-duplex mac protocol for the efficient utilization of the idle uplink period in wlan
H Ahn, H Lee, YD Park
Journal of Communications and Networks 25 (6), 750-759, 2023
온실형 스마트팜에서 환경 데이터 분석을 활용한 습도 센서 예측 모델
안형태, 안수용, 김재영, 이철원
한국통신학회 학술대회논문집, 159-160, 2021
MILD: Minimizing Idle Listening Energy Consumption via Down-Clocking for Energy-Efficient Wi-Fi Communications
JH Park, YJ Suh, D Kim, H Lee, H Ahn, YD Park
Sensors 25 (4), 1155, 2025
Colla: 대학생을 위한 팀 프로젝트 관리 플랫폼
박준하, 오세찬, 설진영, 박재민, 안형태
Proceedings of KIIT Conference, 744-752, 2024
빅데이터 기반 다중 선형 회귀 모델을 통한 청년층의 지역별 문화· 여가 선호도 분석
이민우, 채주혁, 안형태
Proceedings of KIIT Conference, 770-773, 2024
To 계곡: 물놀이 여행 인명사고 예방 커뮤니티 시스템
정연준, 장하정, 손지민, 안형태
디지털콘텐츠학회논문지 25 (7), 1947-1954, 2024
사용자의 편의성 개선을 위한 전기차 충전 비용 및 주차 비용 통합 결제 주차장 시스템
권수열, 김민, 김태현, 문지혁, 오병우, 안형태
Proceedings of KIIT Conference, 283-287, 2024
공공데이터를 활용한 장애인 주차 지원 시스템
권수열, 김민, 김태현, 문지혁, 안형태, 오병우
Proceedings of KIIT Conference, 279-282, 2024
ระบบไม่สามารถดำเนินการได้ในขณะนี้ โปรดลองใหม่อีกครั้งในภายหลัง
บทความ 1–20