Ryan E.B. Mruczek
Ryan E.B. Mruczek
Dept of Psychology, College of the Holy Cross
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ holycross.edu
Visual memory and motor planning in a natural task
MM Hayhoe, A Shrivastava, R Mruczek, JB Pelz
Journal of vision 3 (1), 6-6, 2003
Probabilistic maps of visual topography in human cortex
L Wang, REB Mruczek, MJ Arcaro, S Kastner
Cerebral cortex 25 (10), 3911-3931, 2015
Functional organization of human posterior parietal cortex: grasping-and reaching-related activations relative to topographically organized cortex
CS Konen, REB Mruczek, JL Montoya, S Kastner
Journal of Neurophysiology 109 (12), 2897-2908, 2013
Spatial memory and saccadic targeting in a natural task
MP Aivar, MM Hayhoe, CL Chizk, REB Mruczek
Journal of Vision 5 (3), 3-3, 2005
The representation of tool and non-tool object information in the human intraparietal sulcus
REB Mruczek, IS von Loga, S Kastner
Journal of neurophysiology 109 (12), 2883-2896, 2013
Effects of familiarity on neural activity in monkey inferior temporal lobe
B Anderson, REB Mruczek, K Kawasaki, D Sheinberg
Cerebral cortex 18 (11), 2540-2552, 2008
A brief comparative review of primate posterior parietal cortex: a novel hypothesis on the human toolmaker
S Kastner, Q Chen, SK Jeong, REB Mruczek
Neuropsychologia 105, 123-134, 2017
Distractor familiarity leads to more efficient visual search for complex stimuli
REB Mruczek, DL Sheinberg
Perception & psychophysics 67 (6), 1016-1031, 2005
Widespread correlation patterns of fMRI signal across visual cortex reflect eccentricity organization
MJ Arcaro, CJ Honey, REB Mruczek, S Kastner, U Hasson
Elife 4, e03952, 2015
Context familiarity enhances target processing by inferior temporal cortex neurons
REB Mruczek, DL Sheinberg
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (32), 8533-8545, 2007
Activity of inferior temporal cortical neurons predicts recognition choice behavior and recognition time during visual search
REB Mruczek, DL Sheinberg
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (11), 2825-2836, 2007
Stimulus selectivity and response latency in putative inhibitory and excitatory neurons of the primate inferior temporal cortex
REB Mruczek, DL Sheinberg
Journal of Neurophysiology 108 (10), 2725-2736, 2012
Visual short-term memory and motor planning
M Hayhoe, P Aivar, A Shrivastavah, R Mruczek
Progress in brain research 140, 349-363, 2002
The neural representation of objects formed through the spatiotemporal integration of visual transients
G Erlikhman, G Gurariy, REB Mruczek, GP Caplovitz
NeuroImage 142, 67-78, 2016
Intraparietal regions play a material general role in working memory: Evidence supporting an internal attentional role
K Killebrew, R Mruczek, ME Berryhill
Neuropsychologia 73, 12-24, 2015
The Dynamic Ebbinghaus: motion dynamics greatly enhance the classic contextual size illusion
REB Mruczek, CD Blair, L Strother, GP Caplovitz
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 77, 2015
Integrative STEM education for undergraduate neuroscience: Design and implementation
AC Basu, AS Hill, AK Isaacs, MA Mondoux, REB Mruczek, T Narita
Neuroscience Letters 746, 135660, 2021
Predicting working memory training benefits from transcranial direct current stimulation using resting-state fMRI
AGB Cerreta, REB Mruczek, ME Berryhill
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 570030, 2020
Size contrast and assimilation in the Delboeuf and Ebbinghaus illusions
REB Mruczek, CD Blair, L Strother, GP Caplovitz
The Oxford compendium of visual illusions, 262-268, 2017
Dynamic illusory size contrast: A relative-size illusion modulated by stimulus motion and eye movements
REB Mruczek, CD Blair, GP Caplovitz
Journal of vision 14 (3), 2-2, 2014
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