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Comprehensive Study of Surface Chemistry of MCM-41 Using 29Si CP/MAS NMR, FTIR, Pyridine-TPD, and TGA
XS Zhao, GQ Lu, AK Whittaker, GJ Millar, HY Zhu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101 (33), 6525-6531, 1997
Minimum information reporting in bio–nano experimental literature
M Faria, M Björnmalm, KJ Thurecht, SJ Kent, RG Parton, M Kavallaris, ...
Nature nanotechnology 13 (9), 777-785, 2018
High energy radiation grafting of fluoropolymers
TR Dargaville, GA George, DJT Hill, AK Whittaker
Progress in Polymer Science 28 (9), 1355-1376, 2003
A method for estimating the nature and relative proportions of amorphous, single, and double-helical components in starch granules by 13C CP/MAS NMR
I Tan, BM Flanagan, PJ Halley, AK Whittaker, MJ Gidley
Biomacromolecules 8 (3), 885-891, 2007
Bioerodable PLGA-based microparticles for producing sustained-release drug formulations and strategies for improving drug loading
FY Han, KJ Thurecht, AK Whittaker, MT Smith
Frontiers in pharmacology 7, 185, 2016
Biological utility of fluorinated compounds: from materials design to molecular imaging, therapeutics and environmental remediation
C Zhang, K Yan, C Fu, H Peng, CJ Hawker, AK Whittaker
Chemical Reviews 122 (1), 167-208, 2021
Tailoring the void size of iron oxide@ carbon yolk–shell structure for optimized lithium storage
H Zhang, L Zhou, O Noonan, DJ Martin, AK Whittaker, C Yu
Advanced functional materials 24 (27), 4337-4342, 2014
Solution properties of star and linear poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)
R Plummer, DJT Hill, AK Whittaker
Macromolecules 39 (24), 8379-8388, 2006
Rehydration process of milk protein concentrate powder monitored by static light scattering
A Mimouni, HC Deeth, AK Whittaker, MJ Gidley, BR Bhandari
Food hydrocolloids 23 (7), 1958-1965, 2009
Functional Hyperbranched Polymers: Toward Targeted in Vivo 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Designed Macromolecules
KJ Thurecht, I Blakey, H Peng, O Squires, S Hsu, C Alexander, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (15), 5336-5337, 2010
Multimodal Polymer Nanoparticles with Combined 19F Magnetic Resonance and Optical Detection for Tunable, Targeted, Multimodal Imaging in Vivo
BE Rolfe, I Blakey, O Squires, H Peng, NRB Boase, C Alexander, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (6), 2413-2419, 2014
Ultra-stable all-solid-state sodium metal batteries enabled by perfluoropolyether-based electrolytes
X Wang, C Zhang, M Sawczyk, J Sun, Q Yuan, F Chen, TC Mendes, ...
Nature Materials 21 (9), 1057-1065, 2022
Structure and orientation of the pore-forming peptide melittin, in lipid bilayers
R Smith, F Separovic, TJ Milne, A Whittaker, FM Bennett, BA Cornell, ...
Journal of molecular biology 241 (3), 456-466, 1994
Investigation of the microstructure of milk protein concentrate powders during rehydration: Alterations during storage
A Mimouni, HC Deeth, AK Whittaker, MJ Gidley, BR Bhandari
Journal of Dairy Science 93 (2), 463-472, 2010
Nanoparticle-mediated local depletion of tumour-associated platelets disrupts vascular barriers and augments drug accumulation in tumours
S Li, Y Zhang, J Wang, Y Zhao, T Ji, X Zhao, Y Ding, X Zhao, R Zhao, F Li, ...
Nature Biomedical Engineering 1 (8), 667-679, 2017
The chemistry of novolac resins: 3. 13C and 15N nmr studies of curing with hexamethylenetetramine
X Zhang, MG Looney, DH Solomon, AK Whittaker
Polymer 38 (23), 5835-5848, 1997
Ultrasound evaluation of polymer gel dosimeters
ML Mather, AK Whittaker, C Baldock
Physics in Medicine & Biology 47 (9), 1449, 2002
Synthesis of gadolinium‐labeled shell‐crosslinked nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging applications
JL Turner, D Pan, R Plummer, Z Chen, AK Whittaker, KL Wooley
Advanced Functional Materials 15 (8), 1248-1254, 2005
Structure of calcium aluminate sulfate Ca4Al6O16S
NJ Calos, CHL Kennard, AK Whittaker, RL Davis
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 119 (1), 1-7, 1995
The relationship between radiation-induced chemical processes andtransverse relaxation times in polymer gel dosimeters
M Lepage, AK Whittaker, L Rintoul, SÅJ Bäck, C Baldock
Physics in Medicine & Biology 46 (4), 1061, 2001
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