José Santana Pereira
José Santana Pereira
ชื่ออื่นๆJS Pereira, José Santa Pereira, José Pereira
Associate Professor, ISCTE-IUL
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ iscte-iul.pt - หน้าแรก
Portugal’s leftist Government: From sick man to poster boy?
JM Fernandes, PC Magalhães, J Santana-Pereira
South European Society and Politics 23 (4), 503-524, 2018
The 2015 Portuguese Legislative Election: Widening the Coalitional Space and Bringing the Extreme Left in
E De Giorgi, J Santana-Pereira
South European Society and Politics 21, 2016
European media systems survey 2010. Results and documentation.
M Popescu, T Gosselin, JS Pereira
Report, 2010
Economic voting in Portugal, 2002–2009
A Freire, J Santana-Pereira
Electoral Studies 31 (3), 506-512, 2012
Demand without supply? Populist attitudes and voting behaviour in post-bailout Portugal
J Santana-Pereira, J Cancela
The exceptional case of post-bailout Portugal, 78-101, 2021
Parliamentary questions as an instrument for geographic representation: the hard case of Portugal
E Borghetto, J Santana‐Pereira, A Freire
Swiss Political Science Review 26 (1), 10-30, 2020
More Second-Order than Ever? The 2014 European Election in Portugal
A Freire, J Santana-Pereira
South European Society and Politics 20 (3), 381-401, 2015
This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens and its consequence for EU democracy–evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries
J Maier, T Faas, B Rittberger, J Fortin-Rittberger, KA Josifides, S Banducci, ...
Journal of European Public Policy 25 (4), 606-629, 2018
European media systems survey 2010. Dataset.
M Popescu, T Gosselin, JS Pereira
Data set. Colchester, UK: Department of Government, University of Essex, 2010
Variety of Media Systems in Third-Wave Democracies
J Santana-Pereira
Media and Politics in New Democracies: Europe in a Comparative Perspective …, 2015
The exceptional case of post-bailout Portugal: a comparative outlook
E De Giorgi, J Santana-Pereira
The Exceptional Case of Post-Bailout Portugal, 1-24, 2021
The Portuguese media system and the normative roles of the media: a comparative view
J Santana-Pereira
Análise Social 221, 780-801, 2016
An ever-shadowed past? Citizens’ attitudes towards the dictatorship in twenty-first century Portugal
J Santana-Pereira, F Raimundo, A Costa Pinto
South European Society and Politics 21 (2), 197-210, 2016
Campaign individualisation before and after the bailout: A comparison between Greece and Portugal
M Lisi, J Santana-Pereira
South European Society and Politics 19 (4), 2014
Política e Entretenimento
J Santana Pereira
Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2016
Portugal 2011: The victory of the neoliberal right, the defeat of the left
A Freire, J Santana-Pereira
Portuguese Journal of Social Science 11 (2), 179-187, 2012
European Media Systems Survey 2013. Dataset
M Popescu, T Gosselin, J Santana Pereira
Retrieved from www. mediasys temsineurope. org, 2013
A esquerda radical no período pós-2009: nada de (muito) novo em Portugal?
JS Pereira
Oficina do Historiador 9 (1), 58-77, 2016
‘Your luck is our luck’: Covid-19, the radical right and low polarisation in the 2022 Portuguese elections
J Santana-Pereira, E De Giorgi
South European Society and Politics 27 (2), 305-327, 2022
A democracia nos media portugueses: Pluralismo político-partidário na imprensa e na televisão
J Santana-Pereira, SR Nina
Democracia e Meios de Comunicação: Pluralismo, Liberdade de Expressão e …, 2016
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