Vitaliy V. Slabko
Vitaliy V. Slabko
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ sfu-kras.ru - หน้าแรก
Nonlinear optics of metal fractal clusters
AV Butenko, PA Chubakov, YE Danilova, SV Karpov, AK Popov, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 17, 283-289, 1990
Second harmonic generation in left-handed metamaterials
AK Popov, VV Slabko, VM Shalaev
Laser Physics Letters 3 (6), 293, 2006
Experimental evidence for a laser-induced autoionizing-like resonance in the continuum
YI Heller, VF Lukinykh, AK Popov, VV Slabko
Physics Letters A 82 (1), 4-6, 1981
Observation of a wavelength-and polarization-selective photomodification of silver clusters
AV Karpov, AK Popov, VV Slabko, VM Shalaev, SG Rautian, VP Safonov, ...
Jetp Letters 48 (10), 571-575, 1988
Optical and photophysical properties of fractal-structured metal sols
SV Karpov, VV Slabko
Novosibirsk: SB RAS 265, 2003
Resonant light-controlled self-assembly of ordered nanostructures
VV Slabko, AS Tsipotan, AS Aleksandrovsky
Photonics and nanostructures-fundamentals and applications 10 (4), 636-643, 2012
Negative group velocity and three-wave mixing in dielectric crystals
MI Shalaev, SA Myslivets, VV Slabko, AK Popov
Optics letters 36 (19), 3861-3863, 2011
Photostimulated aggregation of ultradispersoidal silver particles into fractal clusters
VV Slabko, SV Karpov, VI Zaitsev, G Zhenhua, AK Popov, L Zaiguang, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (39), 7231, 1993
Finding photomodification silver clusters, selective wavelength and polarization
SV Karpov, AK Popov, SG Rautian, VP Safonov, VV Slabko, VM Shalaev, ...
JETP letters 48 (10), 528-531, 1988
Random quasi-phase-matched conversion of broadband radiation in a nonlinear photonic crystal
AS Aleksandrovsky, AM Vyunishev, AI Zaitsev, VV Slabko
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (5), 055806, 2010
Physical principles of the photostimulated aggregation of metal sols
SV Karpov, VV Slabko, GA Chiganova
Colloid Journal 64, 425-442, 2002
Photochromic reactions in silver nanocomposites with a fractal structure and their comparative characteristics
SV Karpov, AK Popov, VV Slabko
Technical Physics 48, 749-756, 2003
Nonlinear optical frequency-mixing in dye vapors
VF Lukinykh, SA Myslivets, AK Popov, VV Slabko
Applied Physics B 38, 143-146, 1985
Opticheskie i fotofizicheskie svoistva fraktal’no-strukturirovannykh zolei metallov
SV Karpov, VV Slabko
Ros. Acad. Nauk, Novosibirsk, 2003
Optical spectra of silver colloids within the framework of fractal physics
SV Karpov, AL Bas' ko, AK Popov, VV Slabko
Colloid Journal 62, 699-713, 2000
Evolution of the optical spectra of silver hydrosols during photostimulated aggregation of the disperse phase
SV Karpov, AK Popov, VV Slabko, GB Shevnina
Colloid journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences 57 (2), 183-189, 1995
Generation of coherent radiation at 89.6 nm through two-photon resonant phase-matched tripling of fourth-harmonic Nd: glass laser radiation in Hg vapors
VV Slabko, AK Popov, VF Lukinykh
Applied physics 15, 239-241, 1978
Observation of the two-photon photoelectric effect in low-intensity optical fields during photostimulated fractal aggregation of colloidal silver
SV Karpov, AK Popov, VV Slabko
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 66, 106-110, 1997
Self-organized aggregation of small metal particles controlled by an external light field
VV Slabko, GG Khachatryan, AS Aleksandrovsky
JETP letters 84, 300-304, 2006
Opticheskie i fotofizicheskie svoistva fraktal’no-strukturirovannykh zolei metallov (Optical and Photophysical Properties of Fractal-Structured Metal Sols), Novosibirsk: Sib
SV Karpov, VV Slabko
Otd. Ross. Akad. Nauk, 2003
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