Birgitta Bernhardt
Cavity-enhanced dual-comb spectroscopy
B Bernhardt, A Ozawa, P Jacquet, M Jacquey, Y Kobayashi, T Udem, ...
Nature photonics 4 (1), 55-57, 2010
Improved Measurement of the Hydrogen Transition Frequency
CG Parthey, A Matveev, J Alnis, B Bernhardt, A Beyer, R Holzwarth, ...
Physical review letters 107 (20), 203001, 2011
Coherent Raman spectro-imaging with laser frequency combs
T Ideguchi, S Holzner, B Bernhardt, G Guelachvili, N Picqué, TW Hänsch
Nature 502 (7471), 355-358, 2013
Mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy with 2.4 μm Cr2+:ZnSe femtosecond lasers
B Bernhardt, E Sorokin, P Jacquet, R Thon, T Becker, IT Sorokina, ...
Applied Physics B 100, 3-8, 2010
Power scaling of a high-repetition-rate enhancement cavity
I Pupeza, T Eidam, J Rauschenberger, B Bernhardt, A Ozawa, E Fill, ...
Optics letters 35 (12), 2052-2054, 2010
Raman-induced Kerr-effect dual-comb spectroscopy
T Ideguchi, B Bernhardt, G Guelachvili, TW Hänsch, N Picqué
Optics letters 37 (21), 4498-4500, 2012
Precision spectroscopy of the fine-structure doublet in
V Batteiger, S Knünz, M Herrmann, G Saathoff, HA Schüssler, B Bernhardt, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (2), 022503, 2009
Attosecond transient absorption probing of electronic superpositions of bound states in neon: detection of quantum beats
AR Beck, B Bernhardt, ER Warrick, M Wu, S Chen, MB Gaarde, ...
New Journal of Physics 16 (11), 113016, 2014
Coherent optical transient study of molecular collisions: theory and observations
B Bernhardt, A Ozawa, P Jacquet, M Jacquey, Y Kobayashi, T Udem, ...
Nat. Photon. 4, 55-57, 2010
High-spectral-resolution attosecond absorption spectroscopy of autoionization in xenon
B Bernhardt, AR Beck, X Li, ER Warrick, MJ Bell, DJ Haxton, CW McCurdy, ...
Physical Review A 89 (2), 023408, 2014
Frequency comb Fourier transform spectroscopy with kHz optical resolution
P Jacquet, J Mandon, B Bernhardt, R Holzwarth, G Guelachvili, ...
Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, FMB2, 2009
Ultrafast quantum control of ionization dynamics in krypton
K Hütten, M Mittermair, SO Stock, R Beerwerth, V Shirvanyan, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 719, 2018
Sub-Doppler laser spectroscopy on relativistic beams and tests of Lorentz invariance
C Novotny, G Huber, S Karpuk, S Reinhardt, D Bing, D Schwalm, A Wolf, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (2), 022107, 2009
Vacuum ultraviolet frequency combs generated by a femtosecond enhancement cavity in the visible
B Bernhardt, A Ozawa, A Vernaleken, I Pupeza, J Kaster, Y Kobayashi, ...
Optics letters 37 (4), 503-505, 2012
Ultraviolet dual comb spectroscopy: a roadmap
V Schuster, C Liu, R Klas, P Dominguez, J Rothhardt, J Limpert, ...
Optics Express 29 (14), 21859-21875, 2021
Thin-disk pumped optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier delivering CEP-stable multi-mJ few-cycle pulses at 6 kHz
S Prinz, M Schnitzenbaumer, D Potamianos, M Schultze, S Stark, ...
Optics express 26 (2), 1108-1124, 2018
Implementation and characterization of a stable optical frequency distribution system
B Bernhardt, TW Hänsch, R Holzwarth
Optics Express 17 (19), 16849-16860, 2009
Absolute frequency measurements and comparisons in iodine at 735 nm and 772 nm
S Reinhardt, B Bernhardt, C Geppert, R Holzwarth, G Huber, S Karpuk, ...
Optics communications 274 (2), 354-360, 2007
Investigation of coupling mechanisms in attosecond transient absorption of autoionizing states: comparison of theory and experiment in xenon
X Li, B Bernhardt, AR Beck, ER Warrick, AN Pfeiffer, MJ Bell, DJ Haxton, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48 (12), 125601, 2015
Dual comb spectroscopy
B Bernhardt
lmu, 2011
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